Details » Klaus

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- Category: Hobbies
- Description: Olbrzym
- Members: 0
- Created On: May 10, 2009
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 2798
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1. | Jul 22, 2014
The message to all ploepe needs to be: what is inside of us is much more important than what others see on the outside!As parents, we need to make sure that our kids get that message from us. As parents we need to make sure that our own behavior communicates that message too!Lets face it, there is not that much to be done about our appearance its how we are made. Who we are inside is what we CAN control: how much we learn, how much we care about and take the time to help others, how nice we are to other ploepe.Especially for our daughters we need to scream the message that appearance is not the main aspect of a person's value.Dr Efrat