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- Created On: Jan 15, 2010
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User Comments:
1. | Apr 18, 2014
leer esto fue como juntarme con unas amgais del colegio, el ultimo tiempo se las dan de moralistas, sobretodo una en particular, entre mujeres es tal cual describes, y casi que me apunta con el dedo y me enjucia cuando dice tal cual “oye que mal, yo NUNCA he/hubiese hecho eso .y lo remata con un: eso me haria sentir me1s vaceda como si tubiera que sentirme culpable de ciertas actos que he realizado, ja! El punto es que cuando hay algun hombre dentro del grupo se las da de alumbra que le gusta la cacha y me llega dar verguenza ajena con sus comentarios. Sinceramente no la entiendo y me tiene algo chata, como que me absorve la energia hasta matarme de aburrimiento (sobre todo cuando hablan de vestidos de novia) asi que trato de evitarla lo mas que puedo, pero que onda con este tipo de minas?? muy femina sere, pero hay actitudes de mis congeneres que sencillamente escapan a mi razonamiento creo que merecen una clasificacion especial todas esas minas inconsistentes/incoherentes
2. | Sep 5, 2013
, decrees as pgrnectaee of total, while useful to know, still wouldn't tell the whole story, since it wouldn't tell us about whose laws didn't make the cut. And even if we had estimates of the latter which of course would be very useful there's always the case that the one thing that's crucial to somebody gets left out, because it seems too personal, temporary, or trivial (to later editors). In the end, it seems the basic unity of administrative, executive and legislative functions makes the whole idea of a complete collection very complex. Almost any imperial action could be law, it seems and then how could you collect or publish that? It's almost like the problem of the , rather than the problem of how to edit the complete Dostoevskii.It will be great to hear about your work in this venue I suspect that our projects have a lot of common issues between them.
3. | Sep 4, 2013
etot kurginyan sdolat rothschildov! ego tozhe raskrutshiwaut w Rossii dlja psewdosozialisma po trotskomu (nowi tolpolitarism) i raswala Rossii (revoluzia kak eto uzhe bilo) Info pro kurginyana na KPE.  ru !!!Dmitri Slawoljubov ..wash bibleiski projekt w rasnowidnoi forme skoro prowaliza i washa psewdowlast (kapitalism, pwsewdosozialism gde toka elita rulit a ne narod..) isbrannix balnix skoro bolshe nebudet
4. | Aug 11, 2013
I am totally wowed and preaerpd to take the next step now.
5. | Jul 25, 2013
Well done to think of soemnhitg like that