Details » Yeast infection is a common side effect of pregnancy

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- Category: Health & Medical
- Description: Pregnancy is a condition that is accompanied with numerous side effects.
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- Created On: May 1, 2009
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 27, 2012
5ZrQt1 xorygbddsole
2. | Jun 26, 2012
K47aOx gwfxgjcxpkru
3. | Jun 25, 2012
I had perfect blood prrsusee before I was pregnant. Now, I have high blood prrsusee. With my first, I measured big. I was told then that it is a sign of high blood prrsusee. I went pre-eclamptic at 37 1/2 weeks and was induced. My daughter was extremely healthy. I think what they mean is that it is a sign of later things to possible come. Just be glad they are watching you and dont stress. If things weren't ok, they would be doing a lot more. Like putting you on bedrest or meds. Good luck!