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1. | Jun 29, 2019
Did you go to university? ruler tube On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Yankees first baseman Lyle Overbay to discuss the Yankees' offense, the lack of movement at the trade deadline and - of course - the ongoing A-Rod saga.
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3. | Jun 29, 2019
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5. | Jan 7, 2018
6. | Jun 26, 2014
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7. | Mar 29, 2014
Hey, that's the greeatst! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
8. | Mar 29, 2014
What liaerbting knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.
9. | Jul 30, 2013
it depends on which coonsle you are on. The PS3 has just had a Patch if you have access to online for that, it will update then you put MAXCAS into cheat codes and when you go into career mode you start with a 90 overall. If you have a xbox 360 then you;ll have to wait a bit longer as the patch has not come yet or if you dont have xbox live then you'll have to do it te same as PS2 which is work through Career mode thats the only way to improve your stats.
10. | May 19, 2013
RNPES3 tqxpsypwhhlc
11. | May 17, 2013
As a WWE nut, the closest me or anoyne really could get to being in the world of the WWE is through the SmackDown vs RAW games and it's creator content. Since the 2006 game, however, the franchise has been dwindling steadily downhill, with the game getting worse and worse and worse every year, by THQ either taking out content such as match types or wrestling moves for custom movesets, limiting players abilities to do things like give Created Superstars attributes without going through a whole song-and-dance routine, or by simply not giving us enough of what we want, like a full WWE roster (jobbers and midcarders, included). Last year's game was so cheap and barebones, I didn't even keep it. And a lot of people were just as unsatisfied, as well. This year's game's Gimmick seems to be all about the user-created content. But isn't that weird? you might ask, considering that the games have *always* had this. What makes things better this year? ARE things even better?Well, I can tell you that while still not where it needs to be, especially for a 2010 game, WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2010 is a step in the right direction and a (slight) improvement over last year's game enough so to be an improvement. Great, no. Not by a long shot. But good meh, I guess if you compared to 2007 , 2008 , and 2009 . It seems pretty much impossible by now that THQ and Cory Ledesma (the guy in charge of the WWE SmackDown! vs RAW video games) will give us what we truly want. They're very much strict on letting us players actually customize whatever we want or do whatever we want. Every year we're forced to play their way and to do things by their rules, instead of having full, unlimited customization, access and gameplay. But at least 2010 gives us more than what we've had in the past.STORYLINES/SEASON MODEAs far as storylines go, the Road To Wrestlemania is back. And it's pretty much the exact same thing. That sucks, I guess, depending on if you liked last year's RtW storyline or not. It's more of the same thing. You take a specific WWE Superstar through a storyline, that leads up to Wrestlemania and them winning (or not winning) the top belt. I guess this year, they tried to give you more choices and options in the mode, resulting in alternate paths in the Road to Wrestlemania for one guy. The problem is, if you're NOT a fan of Cena, Edge, or Randy Orton, playing through their mode (to complete the game and unlock things) can be quite the chore. It's only as fun as your personal preference to the superstar.GM MODE/STORY DESIGNERNext, there's the STORY DESIGNER. At last, I can finally say General Manager's Mode is BACK! Only this year, it's named the Story Designer and allows for more imagination than what the GM Modes of past games offered. Okay, so it's not *technically* GM Mode. But it works similar to it, minus the nitty-gritty details like budgets, injuries and superstar morale. You can edit and create just a lot of unique WWE scenarios using this new Story Designer. Type in dialogue, and watch your superstars say it on-screen (through words, not actual voices, even though that would be so cool!) Customize the camera angles, choose your cast and watch it play out on TV. There ARE some limitations; some ignorable, some outright insane. The biggest one being how restricting they are with your Created Superstars. You can only use them a few times in any given story, and cannot mix genders in storylines that aren't romantic based. This very sadly means, no creating your own alternate WWE Universe with an entire roster of your own created WWE Talent. Yes, you will have to use John Cena and the real superstars the majority of the time because you're very much limited with Created Superstars in the Story Designer. At first I didn't know why they did this, but then I've figured out it's because you can export your created stories onto the web. So what that means is instead of being able to use your created people an infinite number of times, they instead only allow you to clone them, up to ten times per story, so that it's possible to export them off your game without affecting your real created superstar. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be nearly as much limitations on them if they had just decided you'd rather record them and post them on YouTube than actually exporting them off the game, itself. Yeah, this sucks big time and it's annoying, but if you can get past that, you really can create your own WWE Universe (you'll just have to stick to using the real-life WWE Superstars and the small number of preset animations given.)CREATE A SUPERSTARThe Create A Superstar mode (unoffically referred to as CAW' or Create-a-Wrestler') is somewhat beefed up now and you can create more than ever before. Unfortunately, THQ still motion scans all of their superstars in the game, meaning no matter WHAT you do and how hard you spend editing your
12. | May 17, 2013
Stamina. It's a term that is incredibly renvlaet to everything related to the wonderful world of WWE. It's the difference between mid-card and main event, the change from jobber to superstar, and the proof that longevity breeds a successful career. Take a look at Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and even Triple H just to name a few. After being in the industry for years upon years, they still pull out all the stops, put their bodies on the line and keep on doing it for the fans. The WWE Smackdown franchise is the video game equivalent, and with sequels now in the double figures spanning three generations of consoles, we're very pleased to say that the 2010 edition of WWE Smackdown vs. Raw is indeed one of the best wrestling games not only of the series, but of all time.Why, do you ask?Creativity. Creative freedom oozes out of WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 in a way never seen before; sure, you've always been able to create your own superstars and recently even create your own finishers, modify the roster and so on. Hardcore wrestling fans have always been wanting just that little bit more, and that little bit more ladies and gentlemen is the ability to create your own story lines. How many times have you sat down with your mates and discussed what you think should happen with superstar interactions and the week-to-week narrative, discussing who deserves a push and contemplating possibilities for serious character development? We've done it endlessly over the many years we've been watching WWE, and the ability to put it all there on the screen in front of us and watch our work play out in front of our very eyes is, quite frankly, all kinds of awesome.From the incredibly detailed Create-a-Superstar mode (which loads a bit faster this year, by the way) to the Create-a-Finisher mode which is also far more detailed than usual with the ability to add diving finishers too, you can tailor make everything just how you want it to be. Entrances have always been a highlight in showing off the presentation of the WWE games, and here you can create your entrance right down to the specific lighting cues and music that plays; for a film-makers touch, you can even edit together snippets from your matches to make a custom entrance movie that plays on the titan tron. If anyone says there isn't enough options in this game, we'll slap them down and spit on them, because we're almost wondering how they crammed so many options onto a disc.The greatest thing about all of this content that you can create is that you are able to share it online with the rest of the world. The fact that you can upload your own storylines and download other ones to play through means that the content is potentially infinite if it's embraced by the community; and to be honest, the system is so easy and fun to use that we can't see why it wouldn't be embraced wholeheartedly. Being able to download each others created superstars also will extend the longevity of the game as there is the ability to constantly keep your roster fresh with new characters and therefore, more strategies. While we're sure there will be some unique creations, it's going to be handy to download superstars that have been created based on real-life counterparts from those created players who want to play as their favourite new superstar or legend from the past.Road to Wrestlemania mode, a story mode designed specifically with a handful of particular characters in mind. These are a lot of fun to play, and range from playing as Mickie James all the way to the other end of the spectrum, playing as a desperate Shawn Michaels who refuses to give up and retire. More importantly, you can now take your created superstars through this special mode, starting out as a fan that gets insulted by Santino while sitting in the front row and playing through the narrative from there. There are moments in this mode where you have to make decisions that alter the path in the story, and there are also special match conditions you can meet such as winning in a certain way or using a certain move which goes towards unlocking more goodies for yourself later.The presentation in WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 is top notch this time around as well. While it's always been said that the games try to be as close to the real thing as possible, it's 2010 that more than ever proves that it's certainly not far from the truth. Replacing some loading screens are the logos of company and show copyright pops up at the end of matches as your superstar celebrates in the ring. There are even more subtle touches to the presentation, including actual reactions from superstars outside the ring after they've been eliminated from the Royal Rumble, and the HUD has been replaced with a simple circle around your superstars feet which lets you know how much momentum you have, so that you can time your trademark moves and finishers.Gameplay has also been refined for