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- Category: Education
- Description: Training Education
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- Created On: Jan 23, 2011
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User Comments:
1. | Dec 9, 2013
I've started coopnniug too. I was told the best thing is a three ring binder and those clear plastic pages for baseball cards or in my case pokemon cards, to organize all your great coupons. Who knew my little brothers would have had such foresight!
2. | Sep 15, 2013
A good way to get leaders to delveop this skill (or identify bad leaders) is to put them into a process they know nothing about. I recently was put in charge of an extremely complex process I literally had no knowledge of. When I am presented with a problem, I have no choice but to ask questions like: Explain why you think that? and What do you recommend to fix it?. Bad leaders will fall on their swords in this situation, because they simply don't have the knowledge to be a fixer.
3. | Sep 13, 2013
by shopping there.a0 She also has some great tips for striong your bulk purchases.Alyssa shares some ways to get coupons for healthy food yes, there are coupons for organics and healthy foods!Aimee has a bunch of great recipes
4. | Sep 12, 2013
Most shoppers LOVE their boxed and frzeon fare. I am a bit of an anomaly. There is no soda or Velveeta in my cart! I purposely shop the perimeter of the store for meats, dairy and produce with a few conveniences (bread, cereal) thrown in. This forces me to cook from scratch and menu plan whether I feel like it or not. You can even find coupons for healthier options.