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- Category: Anime
- Description: webmater
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- Created On: May 29, 2010
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 9, 2014
Thank you Jay. It's very interesting how the Dem party has sttraed to turn their backs on labor. But most glaring with the teacher's unions. Arne Duncan is another Milton Friedman disciple. It's no mystery why Obama himself refers to Reagan as the most transformative politician in the last 30 years. That should've been our biggest red flag when he said that.
2. | Jan 7, 2014
Ive seen this great australian band from when they stertad with Bon Scott twice and every tour since then with both Razors Edge & both Black Ic...
3. | Jul 30, 2013
Thanks for starnitg the ball rolling with this insight.
4. | Jul 29, 2013
Kiersten you have he coolest hubasnd in the whole stinking universe, just thinking about him makes me break out into hysterical laughter. His crayon skills are improving and at least this drawing wasn't drawn on an old newspaper. I'm really digging the hair especially the one across her face it's shows beauty with a tinge of mystery.I don't really feel comfortable calling him Hot Stuff though. What do you think about calling him Slippery instead?
5. | Jul 28, 2013
Umm, are you really just giving this info out for noitnhg?