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- Category: Education
- Description: This forum is for the medical students of the UMF in Cluj-Napoca
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- Created On: Jan 21, 2007
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 6, 2018
2. | Dec 5, 2013
I totally agree with you that honey has enmoorus health benefits. Honey has anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties as you rightly pointed out. Beyond the benefits of using it to treat hang-over, it can also be used to treat conditions such as athlete's foot, yeast infections and some bacterial infections. Particularly because of its anti-bacterial properties, It has been shown to cure common infections such as pharyngitis. Honey has been demonstrated to have wonderful healing properties, hence it is great for wound dressing especially in burns and septic wound.Honey contains simple sugars such as fructose which is easily absorbed into the body and you can replace sugar with honey. Instead of adding sugar to your tea, you can use honey especially in diabetics.some authorities have said that honey has some cancer-preventing properties. This however remains debatable. I must stress that honey can not cure cancer.Because of its anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties, honey has been shown to boost the immune system.Honey indeed has numerous health benefits and its use should be encouraged.
3. | Aug 27, 2013
It's from The Official Barbara Hambly Page an author piulbshed a book called Homeland on August 25, 2009.a0 The third comment in froma0Kristin who must be psychic since her post was used to comment on
4. | Aug 23, 2013
Your answer was just what I neeedd. It's made my day!
5. | Aug 12, 2013
What is the online game where you draw a pircute of something that the computer told you and other people online have to guess it? You can also chat too.
6. | Aug 2, 2013
- Awww how sweet! I am so excited to see their widnedg pictures! you will do fabulous! And this really makes me feel gypped for being an only child. I only wish I had a sibling to share these life moments with- you are so lucky!May 24, 2010 11:38 pm
7. | Aug 1, 2013
Congrats on the new little girl. I have an 8 month old deguhtar, my first, and the days will just get better and better for you. Like you I can't wait to take her fishing for her first time, and get her shooting a bow at a young age.Appreciate every day, and enjoy every moment; it is awesome.
8. | Jul 31, 2013
Recently I took part in a counselling progmamre for senior management at a major UK bank.Many participants talked about the ‘shame’ they felt for being bailed out by taxpayers while still drawing huge salaries bonuses. We were instructed to offer them solace, to assure them they were serving the community as good citizens say they were helping to combat climate change other vague eco-causes.When I refused to toe the line offered criticism, I was forced out.
9. | Jun 8, 2013
aWI1OJ prwdmakxajez
10. | Apr 28, 2013
ug5vdI kxdbfidszmwm
11. | Apr 27, 2013
Congrats on the new little girl. I have an 8 month old dauhtger, my first, and the days will just get better and better for you. Like you I can't wait to take her fishing for her first time, and get her shooting a bow at a young age.Appreciate every day, and enjoy every moment; it is awesome.
12. | Sep 7, 2008