Details » ThaiNguyen

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- Category: Music
- Description: chuyeulahocsinh
- Members: 0
- Created On: Feb 20, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 9359
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 8, 2018
2. | Jan 6, 2018
3. | Jan 6, 2018
4. | Dec 6, 2013
yaelian, tar du med dig bambi ne4r vi tre4ffas tro??? ha en skf6n helg du medannika, in och ut. och djupt. och in och ut...elisabeth, ja, eller han har kankse snarare mig, hunden. bones heter han.eftersom han var ett benrangel ne4r vi hittade honom, f6vergiven. han e4r se5 go...och har en rolig karakte4r. han verkar tro att han e4r en me4nniska och inte en hund. fe5r tom ibland sova i se4ngen...se5 fin e4r han!!! vad ff6r hund vill du ha?toril, hej och kram!outi, thank god its weekend! i do my best, both eating and sleeping...somehow i find it hard to take care of myself in the city though. how is your vacation?helena, tre4slf6jd, gud se5 kul! det e4r ganska speciellt ff6r sverige att det inge5r i undervisningen. jag gillade nog syslf6jd lite be4ttre. teknik de4remot avskydde jag. men det kom ju ff6rst pe5 hf6gstadiet...frkn l, ja rings ge4rna!! ff6rsf6kte ff6rra helgen men de5 var du inte hemma tror jag. kram
5. | Dec 5, 2013
My 1 year old boy would love the one with grey! I like to see how cozy my boy can be wrapped with this betiuaful blanket. My 4 years old boy also would love to play with the blanket to create his imaginary world. We will move to a new house 2 weeks later so it would be a memorial gift to them. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!
6. | Sep 26, 2013
I would love to win the blanket with the yollew trim because I absolutely love every bit of it and it goes with my nursery perfectly! You are so talented and have such great style. I am having a little girl in over a month and am in need of your style in her nursery! Everything about the blanket is to die for and it would make my year to be chosen to win your blanket. Thanks for your talent!
7. | Sep 24, 2013
De dc3a4r granarna gc3b6r mig glad, sc3a5 bihgalega att se pc3a5. Vc3a5r minsting Hugo skulle c3a4lska att bc3a4dda ner sig sjc3a4lv och dockorna och alla njukisdjuren under den, och jag skulle tycka att hans kaosstc3b6kiga rum skulle bli trevligare att stiga in i om granarna fanns dc3a4r. Vi c3b6nskar oss filten med grc3a5 kant.