Details » Eragon

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- Category: TV & Movies
- Description: The Magical world of Eragon.
- Members: 0
- Created On: Sep 23, 2007
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- Hits: 14342
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 18, 2014
You've captured this perltcefy. Thanks for taking the time!
2. | Dec 16, 2013
It's a custom child theme based on the iThemes Builder frorewamk and the Builder child Adept. With one exception, I have never used a theme created by someone else on a site I've developed for either me or a client. I really like Builder; it's flexible, it's powerful, it plays well with a large number of plugins, there are a lot of child themes available right out of the box, and I can dig into the code and adapt a child theme to do almost anything.If you're interested in talking about your web strategy, let's talk! Go here and set up a free introductory call.
3. | Dec 14, 2013
Hi Marcia,Thank you for your comments. I have been a perosnal trainer for over 13 years now. For the first 5-8 years, although my heart was in the right place, I wasn't a very good one. The knowledge and tools which most perosnal trainers are given is very limited. It is pervasive throughout the industry and is true throughout the health, wellness and fitness industries. We are taught how to train with the same mentality I discussed in this blog. To train to our clients strengths. As a coach, I know the reasons for this quite well. It comes from the fear of losing our clients and business. If we train to our clients weaknesses, they will feel clumsy and weak. Most clients don't want to feel that way. They want to feel strong, but are not educated about what it really takes to actually get strong. When it comes to hiring a perosnal trainer, massage therapist, doctor, PT, or any other health, wellness professional, I highly encourage my clients to spend the extra time to interview multiple people, ask for references of those who were helped that had similar issues as you, and call them before hiring anyone. If my clients, during my first few years of training, took these kinds of actions, it would have either forced me to become better at my job faster, or I would have ended up in another career. Did you read through the postural series that I wrote? I have several articles up with some basic corrective exercises which will help you get moving in the direction you want.Jesse James Retherford