Details » The Pot's Right Poker Club

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- Category: Gambling
- Description: The home of Jacks Place poker room, and Pin-Up Poker Inc.
- Members: 0
- Created On: Jun 5, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 9595
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 7, 2018
2. | Nov 29, 2014
songsaiplease turn back old version and CSS code to my hi5, bcsuaee i don't like avatar and everting on this New version it is not beatifulwhy you don't make sure before change to new version,if you cahnge to new version i hope everting is better,but today it is not good , some poeple around the world don't like this version,AVATAT is Ugly! lose Jounal , Lose Message on friens's profile ,lose some application ex.= fame tube = Who is watching cannot design my profile by my self,you ever take care about HI5 USER by Freedom mind, but today it is not!!!Thank you,
3. | Dec 30, 2013
SusanJune 2, 2012 My most recent visit to my noohhborgeid Best Buy store didn't disappoint.Jeff and Paul gave super customer care and were very attentive and worked with me through the details.I will be sending a letter to the management staff regarding their customer service.Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!
4. | Nov 27, 2013
SusanJune 2, 2012 My most recent visit to my neohoborghid Best Buy store didn't disappoint.Jeff and Paul gave super customer care and were very attentive and worked with me through the details.I will be sending a letter to the management staff regarding their customer service.Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!