Details » The Countdown

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- Category: Music
- Description: music
- Members: 0
- Created On: Jan 12, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 15148
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 26, 2014
above about residents henairg the truth. What do you think about an incumbent township committee candidate who allowed his county party committee send out a mailer claiming he held average tax increases to less than 2% per year , when county certified tax documentation clearly proves the average tax increase during his tenure was actually 70% higher? Would this meet your standard of residents henairg the truth?Thanks.
2. | Jun 18, 2014
in a pre-order activity, 請放下對流行音樂的成見去聽這張專輯. and would you plasee throw away the image of yoga in the competition and listen to the album again? he is now a singer, no longer a participant.VA:F [1.9.8_1114](from 0 votes)
3. | Apr 21, 2013
Hi the reason I ceernsod the post if because I found out that some family members hadn't been told she had died.So I had to pull my post and all your kind words. I didn't want the net and my stupid blog to be source of bad news.Obviously I couldn't explain that on here either. Thanks for bearing with me.Cliff