Details » The Magician's Coalition to Save Darfur

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- Category: News & Politics
- Description: A Campain to Save Darfur
- Members: 0
- Created On: Jun 13, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 5422
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User Comments:
1. | Nov 11, 2012
878y8t mexrbnsxkgra
2. | Nov 9, 2012
VQe5GH sriatriwaowg
3. | Nov 9, 2012
u take da code below it, hilight it, click the right butotn on the mouse, make it say coppy, then go to your shop, user, guild or petdecription, and click paste wit ur rite mouse butotn, the code willl appear, and once u save changes, it will be lik dat, works wit music codes too.visit my neopets- mileyworldmileycyrusu can be my friend and PLEASE join my guild.ttfnSteff
4. | Nov 9, 2012
u take da code below it, hilight it, click the right butotn on the mouse, make it say coppy, then go to your shop, user, guild or petdecription, and click paste wit ur rite mouse butotn, the code willl appear, and once u save changes, it will be lik dat, works wit music codes too.visit my neopets- mileyworldmileycyrusu can be my friend and PLEASE join my guild.ttfnSteff
5. | May 23, 2012
ZmF4uj yfutrosbxnsa
6. | May 22, 2012
y3pJrY xeqiibvaecjx