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- Category: Computers & Internet
- Description: Cool bulgarian forum
- Members: 0
- Created On: Oct 6, 2010
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- Hits: 10940
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User Comments:
1. | Jul 22, 2014
The tiles are beautiful, yet I think the very best thing about this shot, is how your cosnerve are placed in perfect symmetry with the angles and lines of the floor. Ah, but I love cosnerve you see .
2. | Jul 21, 2014
September 1, 2012Finally someone (Peter Larson) makes a ntioon about the fact that the heel has a 12mm head start when positioning your foot for landing in tradional shoes. I have been missing that aspect in the podcast, especially when runners in tradional shoes say that they are mid-foot strikers. That actually translate to a for-foot strike if you take a way the drop. To for-foot strike in tradional running shoes would also mean that the calf muscle would have to work in an almost fully contacted state. In a fully contracted (shortest) state a muscle has the least power though all muscle fibers are engaged. Trying to for-foot strike in tradional running shoes will only lead to unefficient use of your calfs and should only be attempted in low drop shoes.Love your podcast !
3. | Jul 11, 2014
The tiles are beautiful, yet I think the very best thing about this shot, is how your cosrevne are placed in perfect symmetry with the angles and lines of the floor. Ah, but I love cosrevne you see .