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- Category: Anime
- Description: Uprising on steamwheedle cartel
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- Created On: Feb 3, 2009
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User Comments:
1. | Apr 16, 2018
2. | Jan 8, 2018
3. | Aug 3, 2014
qUPgGt I really like and appreciate your blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.
4. | Dec 21, 2013
It's really a plusaere to go through content very nicely written such as this one. The points are well shared and you may tell the research had been accomplished on this subject. Thank you for rendering it attention-grabbing.
5. | Dec 19, 2013
I think they're intrusive and uarceessnny. If it's my property, I can do with it what I want. Not only that, but the yearly dues are an added expense we don't need. When we were looking to buy a house two, almost three, years ago, we wouldn't even consider an HOA home. Who needs that kind of hassle?
6. | Dec 17, 2013
I think they're intrusive and unsrcensaey. If it's my property, I can do with it what I want. Not only that, but the yearly dues are an added expense we don't need. When we were looking to buy a house two, almost three, years ago, we wouldn't even consider an HOA home. Who needs that kind of hassle?
7. | Jul 17, 2013
A fence was erected in which the maaeirtls were deemed in violation of the deed restrictions. The deed restrictions state no wire of any type and the fence uses welded steel. The HOA has determined that the welded steel rods qualify as wire . The HOA sends violation letters, but typically only acts on behalf of owners who complain about a violation. Further, the owner who is complaining must be willing to file suit. At that point the HOA will file suit on behalf of the owner with the complaint. We have tried to work with the HOA to find a compromise, but they have sent a letter stating that the violation must be cured immediately or they will file suit. We have verbally requested a mediation with the complaining owner, but the HOA refuses mediation and refuses to provide information on who is complaining. There is another fence in our section that uses the same maaeirtls and no action was taken against that owner/fence.
8. | May 19, 2013
byxDc7 eumtmdmzwoks
9. | May 17, 2013
I'll be devil's advocate. The Board was right, and I read Ms. Castriotta's sttaement. By her own admission she was distracting the Principal and Suiperintendent from doing their job with questions that could have been asked at the appropriate time and place.As to the student safety issue, we had similar walkouts at the school my son goes to. The Principal and Vice-Principal had their hands full trying to prevent kids from leaving school property. In a few instances they had to chase and physically restrain some kids. Fortunately, I live in a school district where the board members do not show up to these events distracting the officials involved from doing their job. And yes, asking questions can be a distraction if it means the officials have to spend time answering questions from a school board member instead of keeping a constant watchful eye on the students.Finally, I commend the students for their political awareness, and I commend the Principal and Superintendent for exhibiting restraint and discretion, and the rest of the Roxbury School Board for letting the professionals do their job without literally looking over their shoulder and being a hindrance. I say this both as a parent and as an anti-Vietnam War, political radical who participated in many protests when I was in high school. Fortunately, as in Roxbury, the school officials and school board members in the school district I attended respected us as young adults, and we didn't have political reporters around questioning the motives of our teachers and administrators in tolerating our actions.One other interesting item. In her sttaement Ms.Castriotta mentions emails she got from Governor Christie and Bret Schundler telling school districts how to handle the protests. This from the same Governor who claims he wants to give local officials more discretion and flexibility in handling their affairs. Of course, that doesn't apply to issues that prove politically embarrassing to the Governor.
10. | May 17, 2013
What distresses me the most about the Maureen Castriotta siioattun is the way in which the BOE trampled her Constitutional rights. Also, the Board members have now opened us up to a costly law suit because they acted as authority above the Constitution of the United States and can now be officially recalled according to the BOE bylaws.The town lawyer did not read the all of Section 0146. Here is the pertinent part that was omitted at last night's meeting: Board members are entitled to express themselves publicly on any matter, including issues involving the Board and the school district. Individual Board members cannot, however, express the position of the Board except as expressly authorized, in accordance with the Board Policy No. 9120. A Board member shall not represent his/her personal opinion as the position of the Board and shall include in all formal expressions in which his/her Board affiliation is likely to be recognized, such as letters to government officials or newspapers, speeches to organizations and the like, a statement that the opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the board.She did not violate that part of the bylaws. According to the bylaws, she was free to express her opinion. It was malicious slander and nothing less. Regarding the walk out . First, it was authorized by Mr. Swanson and Dr. Rossi. They knew the day before that it was going to happen and they did nothing to discourage the students from doing it. This action, in itself, opens us up to any number of law suits. Most of those children were minors. As such, permission slips would be needed to excuse a student from class. I sincerely doubt that 600 permission slips were obtained. Secondly, a permit for lawful assembly was not issued to these students. Thirdly, the press was welcomed at the walk out which makes me believe that either Mr. Swanson or Dr. Rossi invited them to attend.Lastly, if the principal of the high school and the superintendent cannot MANAGE and exert their authority over their students, they are incompetent and should be DISMISSED immediately.Shame on Pat Miller who only stated the view point (and IMHO, a pack of lies) that Rossi and Swanson presented as truth etched in stone. Shame on those who voted to censure Ms. Castriotta. At the very least, she should start the recall procedure against the members of the board for trampling her rights.