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User Comments:
1. | Apr 16, 2018
2. | Jan 5, 2018
3. | Jun 27, 2014
I suopspe that sounds and smells just about right.
4. | Jun 22, 2014
A really good answer, full of ralainotity!
5. | Jun 18, 2014
Apreicpation for this information is over 9000-thank you!
6. | Jun 13, 2014
We've arrvied at the end of the line and I have what I need!
7. | Jun 5, 2014
I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so entlharling!
8. | Dec 14, 2013
Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nonigth?
9. | Dec 9, 2013
This is way more helpful than antyhing else I've looked at.
10. | Dec 6, 2013
Do you have more great arclites like this one?
11. | Nov 15, 2013
Your hosetny is like a beacon
12. | Nov 14, 2013
There's a secret about your post. ICKBITYHTTY
13. | Nov 12, 2013
What a joy to find soeonme else who thinks this way.
14. | Nov 12, 2013
You are so awesome for helping me solve this mytysre.
15. | Nov 11, 2013
Dude, right on there bretohr.
16. | Nov 10, 2013
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on thogurh.
17. | Sep 22, 2013
Unelaievlbbe how well-written and informative this was.
18. | Sep 21, 2013
Great post with lots of imtpaornt stuff.
19. | Sep 20, 2013
At last, soeonme who comes to the heart of it all
20. | Sep 17, 2013
Suprrising to think of something like that
21. | Aug 4, 2013
Yo, that's what's up trllhfutuy.
22. | Jul 30, 2013
The accident of finding this post has brithgened my day
23. | Jul 29, 2013
I could watch Scdheilnr's List and still be happy after reading this.
24. | Jul 28, 2013
Super jazzed about getting that knwhoo-w.
25. | Jun 19, 2013
hPG5ff ysagoqpukzrt
26. | Jun 19, 2013
wKAIl7 olwuddoifrxx
27. | Jun 16, 2013
The purhcaess I make are entirely based on these articles.
28. | Jun 10, 2013
SPS8ab mwtrxmlhxpza
29. | Jun 10, 2013
Hey, subtle must be your mddlie name. Great post!
30. | May 31, 2013
Mgw3sk auedxtzlietu
31. | May 24, 2013
ai89fA hsgxnottabcm
32. | May 22, 2013
Vladimir KangasЭлектроимпульсное UFOПринцип действия электроимпульсногo UFO основан на явлении сопровождающем мощный искровой разряд в жидкости.Устройство UFO и его рабочий процесс.Схема Электроимпульсного UFO дана на Fig.1. Внутри корпуса 1 расположена рабочая кaмера с параболическим отражателем 2 для направленного отражения ударной волны в право.Электроды 3 установлены так, чтобы разряд между ними происходил в фокусе параболы. Электроды включены в цепь высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора 7 с ёмкостью 6 и выпрямителем 5.Трансформатор увеличивает напряжение питающей сети до величины, несколькo большей, чем та, которая требуется для пpoбоя жидкости между электродами.Величина подаваемого напряжения опрeделяется разрядным промежутком 4. Конденсатор периодически разряжаетcя через разрядный промежуток и электрoды, между которыми в момент разряда обрaзуется искра.Искра представляет собой плазменный канал с высокой температурой, благодаря чему образуется кумулятивный пузырь, давящий на стенки канала в нeсколько дeсятков тысяч bar.При этом фронт ударной волны получаетcя очень крутым, а температyры и давления в двух слоях жидкости, расположенных рядом, резко различаются, что приводит к большим тепловым потерям. Экспериментальными исследованиями установленo, что 50% энергии разряда затрачивается на излучение в ударной волне. Поэтому она довольно быстро трансформируется в звуковую синусоидальную вoлну, достигает правого фланца и отражается от него ввиде эхо.Отсюда делаем вывод:1.Левая стенка получает удар:F1 = ps = 10000bar x 10смb2 = 100000 кг2.Правая стенка получает удар: F2 = 0SammandragПолучен разбаланс внутренних сил в замкнутой системе:F = F1 – F2 = 100000кг. Electroimpuls UFOPrincipen ff6r hur en elektro-impuls-UFO fnerugar e4r baserad pe5 en kraftig gnisturladdning i en ve4tska. Enheten UFO och dess arbetsprocess.Schemat ff6r elektroimpuls UFO visas i figur 1. Pe5 insidan av cylindern (1) finns en arbetskamera och en parabolisk reflektor (2) som skall rikta tryckve5gen e5t hf6ger.Elektroderna (3) e4r placerade se5 att urladdningen mellan dessa sker i parabolens fokus. Elektroderna inge5r i en kedja i hf6gspe4nnings-lindningen i transformatorn (7) med en kondensator (6) och en likriktare (5).Transformatorn f6kar ne4tspe4nningen till ett ve4rde som e4r ne5got stf6rre e4n det som kre4vs ff6r genomslag av ve4tska mellan elektroderna.Ve4rdet av den pe5lagda spe4nningen beste4ms av urladdningsgapet (4). Kondensatorn urladdas periodvis genom urladdningsgapet och elektroder mellan vilka det uppste5r en gnista i urladdningsf6gonblicket.Gnistan e4r en plasma-kanal med hf6g temperatur, se5 att den kumulativa bubblan e4r bildad, som pressar uppmanar ve4ggarna i den-kanalen i ne5gra tusen bar.I detta fall den chocken fre4mre e4r mycket brant, och temperatur och tryck i de tve5 skikten av fluidum intilliggande, skall skilja sig skarpt, vilket leder till stora ve4rmeff6rluster. Experimentella studier anvisas att 50% av utsle4ppen energin le4ggs pe5 stre5lningen i stf6tve5gen. De4rff6r e4r det snabbt ff6rvandlas till en sinusformad ljud ve5gen, e4nda fram till fle4nsen och reflekteras fre5n det pe5 grund av ekot.De4rff6r drar vi slutsatsen:1.Ve4nsterve4gg tre4ffas:F1 = ps = 10000bar x 10cm b2 = 100000 kg2.Hf6ger ve4ggen blir drabbade: F2 = 0 SammandragSom erhe5lls genom den obalans av inre krafter i ett slutet system: F = F1 F2 = 100000kg.I’ve input this into Google Translate. The writer apparently has created a device, and is seeking some help: he has problems with ‘the spark’ ~J:When creating a volume of liquid inside a specially designed pulsed high voltage electrical discharge in the area of ​​the later development of ultra-high pressure, which can be used widely for practical purposes.Electro Hydraulic power from the first day of its discovery has been and remains a constant source of birth set of advanced production processes, which are now widely used around the world.Yet none use this power imbalance that the internal forces in a closed system to create Reactionless Propulsion, which can be used to drive the spacecraft.Below is a description:Electro Impulse – UFOThe principle of how an electro-impulse-UFO function is based on a strong spark discharge in a liquid.UFO unit and its working process.The schedule for electromagnetic impulse UFO shown in Figure 1. The inside of the cylinder (1) has a working camera and a parabolic reflector (2) to direct the shock wave to the right.Electrodes (3) are positioned so that the discharge of these occurs in the dish focus. The electrodes are part of a chain in the high-voltage winding of the transformer (7) and a capacitor (6) and a rectifier (5).The transformer increases the voltage to a value that is slightly greater than that required for penetration of liquid between the electrodes.The value of the applied voltage is determined by the discharge gap (4). The capacitor is discharged periodically by the discharge gap and the electrodes between which there is a spark discharge moment.The spark is a plasma channel with high temperature, so that the cumulative bubble is formed, which presses on the walls of the channel in a few thousand bar.In this case the shock front is very steep, and the temperature and pressure in the two layers of fluid adjacent, differ sharply, which results in large heat losses. Experimental studies directed that 50% of emissions are energy of the radiation in the shock wave. Therefore, it quickly turns into a sinusoidal sound wave, until the flange and reflected from it due to the echo.Therefore, we conclude:1.Ve4nsterve4gg meet:F1 = ps = 10000bar x 10cm b2 = 100,000 kp2.Hf6ger wall gets affected: F2 = 0F = F1 – F2 = 100000kp.
33. | Sep 6, 2012
This is the best motorcycle forum ever!
34. | Jul 17, 2012
ZiNzrb jprnmmmbkezo
35. | Jun 4, 2012
diPRvH zpxcudejhair
36. | Jun 2, 2012
hik9Ht aflmcopukoaj
37. | Jun 2, 2012
kotha thik bujhlam na. Kiser Verification link er kotha blchoen? Proof box a buyer jevabe caibe thik sevabei proof diben. Jodi screenshot chay tobe kivabe diben tao tini bole diben. Direct kono file MIcroworkers a upload kora jay na. Just onno hosting server a upload kore link submit korte parben. Thanks
38. | May 20, 2009
Good old Suzuki 2 stroke forum .