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- Category: Graphics & Design
- Description: Sasovka Tupa
- Members: 17
- Created On: Oct 12, 2009
- Posts: 108
- Hits: 37525
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 9, 2018
2. | Jan 6, 2018
3. | Aug 4, 2014
MgKkao I really enjoy the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.
4. | Jun 18, 2014
This is a post I put up somewhere else, but which I think maybe sheds a liltte light on VA - the 2008 Obama election/electorate resulted in part from a HUGE effort in the Dem jurisdictions in the north part of the state to turn out absentee voters. There are criteria which absentee voters are supposed to meet (absence from County, illness, etc.) and which have within living memory been enforced - or at least you had to lie about meeting them before the lady at the courthouse would give you a ballot. In the Obama 08 election, it was Katy bar the door, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. We were all told how dreadful the lines would be election day, were nearly dragooned out of the subway to vote early. Obama's margin for the state was I think around 150000 and that was a whole lot like the number of absentee ballots cast in the NoVa burbs. It was a huge effort with a number of folks full time running poll stations in the runup to the election, and the Reep leaning jurisdictions in south state had nothing like it, nor had they relaxed standards from what the law called for. There was nothing like that this time from FFX-ARL in facilitating votes, nor would it have worked, really, since all of us voters had no realistic fear of long lines on voting day!This is probably not replicable, and particularly now with the Reeps in charge they will make sure that there is a uniform standard for absentee voting across the state.What I'm saying is, that the 2009 change in the electorate is probably from a one-time thing to something more like the base state, here in VA. dave.s.
5. | Dec 17, 2013
Hi FredWith or without PSE&G siorsonpng the luncheon those lines will be built. They will be built with or without approvals from the BPU as well. PSE&G has skipped the local municipal process because, rightly so, it is useless. How many elected officials would take an objective look at the real issues knowing many voters are upset. The idea of conducting informational meetings in all towns affected is fine. It is also always good form to listen to concerns and address issues presented. Again, to think that any town would publicly endorse this project is pure nonsense. Now while the BPU is being represented as the approval entity the reality is they to could very easily by bypassed and over ruled by the federal agencies. So this brings me to the nagging question in Montville Township as I sit as a township Committee member. Why don’t towns focus on the safety concerns and clear cutting issues? Even PSE&G has stated they are willing to take EMF measurements to bench line EMF on the existing 230KV line. Of course my 2 cent opinion is our BPU should mandate these measurements for all towns and force PSE&G to document the test equipment and methods used as well as taking those measurements in the summer months when usage is at its highest. The reality is that the possibility does exist the EMF levels could be lower with the new transmission line because some of the EMF would cancel out since two transmission lines will be operating on the same towers.Art Daughtry
6. | Dec 12, 2013
at 20% there is a path for Daggett to win and political antalsys say with 25% in the polls Daggett can win. Now its a matter of getting that last 100,000 votes to get Daggett in a position to win.To do that we are reaching out to voters that want to Vote for Daggett but are afraid a vote for Daggett is a wasted vote. So…The I'll vote for Daggett Pledge: I want to vote for Chris Daggett, but only if he has a real chance of winning. He needs pledges from 100,000 people like me. I don't want to wait til Election Day to find out that those votes existed, but we were all afraid to cast them. So, I'm signing my name below, with my address to prove that I'm real, and pledging that if 100,000 people like me sign up, I will vote for Daggett. Spread the word about this pledge, so we can bring an end to politics as usual.
7. | Jun 2, 2013
4KGjwc yiwlvrsqrpkj
8. | Jun 2, 2013
6THN3N wilhsiaekymh
9. | May 21, 2013
MLTLXd lrzdxsvqrdhp
10. | May 19, 2013
ATKTba qcgkdwzswojq
11. | May 18, 2013
reach, have a look from this historical Brahmpol bgrdie and feel this scenically (smelling) beauty.Jalkumbhi are enemies of water, and water is source of our life, more because not only life but economy of