Details » Seriale-OKazii

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- Category: TV & Movies
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- Members: 0
- Created On: Oct 12, 2010
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 15209
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 19, 2014
No more s***. All posts of this qultaiy from now on
2. | Dec 14, 2013
Siteul poate fi profitabil si este roiamandebcl ca vanzarea sa se faca cand cifrele arata bine in bilanturile contabile, astfel pretul de vanzare/achizitie va fi mai mare. Se fac si teste in piata, o vorbulita aruncata aiurea, etc. Firmele mari nu fac teste deoarece le poate scadea valoarea/cotatia businessului destul de rapid.
3. | Aug 14, 2013
Meridithbecause of the coming of the 666 reegetsrid user, this is only to be expected Armageddon is indeed upon us Gremlins have gained control over the previously benevolent Gnomes (led no doubt by their false messiah, the Traveolcity Monstrosity ), and 24 of our own have been sacrificed to the Void in order to lull the rest of us into a false sense of security six hundred and forty, little birds NOT the six hundred and sixty four necessary to pave the way Shadowland is, indeed, upon us
4. | Jun 15, 2013
wlHIxD wgidqegznefb
5. | Jun 11, 2013, who provides us with the masgese board, has been receiving critical errors' with some of their clients. This makes the site unreachable for any number of reasons. I've sent a masgese to one of the administrators there to see if they can't clear the pipes, so to speak.As far as I know, the board is still intact somewhere. Any error-messages you might have received in trying to get there which suggests that it's been deactivated should be ignored. This flares up from time to time. But, hopefully it'll be back online soon enough.