Details » South Eastern Independent Films

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- Category: TV & Movies
- Description: Indy Films of the Southeast
- Members: 0
- Created On: Feb 4, 2007
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- Hits: 20236
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User Comments:
1. | Apr 16, 2018
2. | Jan 9, 2018
3. | Dec 14, 2013
Thanks LFRYARTGUY!I do mostly seaaiptron work myself and at some point it got busy and I didn't want to send customers walkin. So necessity is where these tools originated. if they'd only make a turned into a unique tool one at a time. Thanks again and thanks for the kind words!Steve
4. | Dec 13, 2013
I wish there were more Moms like you that truly care about feeding their kids hlitehaer. Just the other day I was saying that we are so rushed today that it is easier to fast food rather than plan ahead and really think about eating wiser. It takes a little more planningto eat hlitehaer but as they say you are what you eat . Teaching children to eat better younger is the best idea. There wouldn't be so much diabetes in young children if everyone thought like you. When i wasI growing up the only time I saw a cupcake or ice cream was on a special day like your birthday. Today it seems like there are cupcake bakeries springing up everywhere.
5. | Dec 12, 2013
/ Function For Bubble Sort:void Bsort(int a[],int N) > Takes input from the user, a[] is array that takes inifinte vaules, N is the number of entries{int i,j,c; > Local variablesfor(i=1;i i can take value from 1 to last but 2nd value (ex: if N = 10, i can take vaules from 1 to 9){for(j=0;j j can take value from 0 to last but 3rd value (from 0 to 8){if(A[j]>a[j+1]) > a[j] will now hold value in the first position of the entry since array starts from position 0 and a[j+1] will have 2nd value{c=a[j]; > if 1st value is greater than 2nd value then first value is stored to replace the position.a[j]=a[j+1]; > since we know that a[j+1] is small with respect to a[j], we replace the position.a[j+1]=c; > now c is greatest according to comparison so we are replacing c to 2nd position. Now we have sorted the first and second position. The loop goes on.}}}}
6. | Sep 1, 2013
Would any of your pubs that have quizzes like to have their quiz dilaets displayed on our new quiz directory website and on a new quizfinder app coming out soon.Tell them to contact us through QUIZBRITAIN.Thanks
7. | Jul 29, 2013
We deifnitely need more smart people like you around.
8. | Feb 11, 2012
AJdnt5 Fresh thoughts, fresh view on the subject..!!