Details » Seccion Amarilla

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- Category: Computers & Internet
- Description: Seccion Amarilla USA launched Louisville, Kentucky directory in 2006
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- Created On: May 21, 2010
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User Comments:
1. | Jul 26, 2014
I thank you humbly for shanrig your wisdom JJWY
2. | Jul 16, 2013
I watned to spend a minute to thank you for this.
3. | Jul 14, 2013
έψαξα και σου βρήκα και αυτό που σίγουρα θα σου φανεί πολύ ενδιαφέρον: "Within the last five years, researchers have found rTMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) usufel in treating conditions as varied as depression, epilepsy and stuttering. As a potential therapy, it is valued for being painless and non-invasive, as well as being effective in cases that don't respond to drugs. In 2000, Yale University School of Medicine researchers found rTMS reduced auditory hallucinations in schizophrenics, a group notoriously difficult to treat with conventional medicine. But some of the most promising applications of TMS have less to do with treating disease than with unlocking the brain's potential.Recently, in early 2002, researchers at the Centre of the Mind in Sydney, Australia successfully used TMS to increase creativity in a group of 17 volunteers. The team used brief, low-frequency signals to recreate the same "brain weather" observed in autistic savants (creative geniuses like Dustin Hoffman's character in Rain Man). Within 15 minutes, the subjects were drawing better than they ever could before. Further experiments could prove that anyone has the potential to become a creative genius with just the flick of a switch. ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΝΑ ΚΑΙ ΟΙ ΚΑΝΑΔΟΙ ΠΟΥ ΑΝΑΦΕΡΘΗΚΑ: Pioneering TMS researcher Michael Persinger, a neuropsychologist at Canada's Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, is doing even more astounding work. By stimulating specific areas in the right hemisphere of the brain, he is able to induce mystical states of consciousness, giving some subjects the experience of encountering God.In scientific terminology, he uses a specific, precisely timed, repetitive signal - one dubbed the "Thomas Pulse" - to create a "sensed presence" in the test subject's brain. Some volunteers have reported feelings of pleasant detachment, while others have broken into a panic, convinced the test chamber is "hexed". And some have had direct experience of the divine.Persinger is convinced that naturally occurring electromagnetic fluctuations could be responsible for paranormal experiences like ghosts, UFOs and mystical apparitions. Some have argued, on the basis of Persinger's work, that religion itself could be electromagnetic in origin - and the transcendent experiences like those recounted by saints and mystics can be recreated with electromagnetic pulses in his laboratory.Περισσότερα links:
4. | Jul 12, 2013
El pasado 1 de Junio del 2012Me hioiercn un cargo de un anuncio de la Seccif3n Amarilla que yo no autorice:El problema mayor es que ni ellos ni Telmex me descuentan los cargos, solo me dicen que esta en revisif3n y puras largas y largas, vueltas y vueltas, corajes mas corajes Y da el deda que no se resuelve nada!!!Mes con mes tengo que ir a Telmex y me dicen que ellos no pueden hacer nada bfno pueden hacer nada? y entonces bfcf3mo si pueden cargarlo? es traume1tico el asunto.Los de Seccif3n Amarilla dicen Estamos Checando mas de 3 mese y no pueden terminar de checar? les peded la grabacif3n de donde yo autorice9 el cargo, pero dicen que lo este1n buscando; no lo van a encontrar nunca por que no lo autorice.Pero mientas tanto los de Telmex me dejan sin internet y sin lednea.Estoy apunto de ir a Contratar una Nueva lednea con Axtel o Cablevisif3n o alguna otra mejor opcif3n por que la verdad no sirven para nada.Espero alguien me pueda ayudar!!!Gracias
5. | Jun 13, 2013
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