Details » Trail Of ScrapStruction

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- Category: Hobbies
- Description: Aussie scrappers and friends abroad welcome!
- Members: 0
- Created On: Jun 23, 2010
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 11820
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User Comments:
1. | Dec 14, 2013
Hey, Adam, don't you think the freshwater anelgrs of SJ would be better served by the State eliminating the trout stocking and focusing instead on enhancing the habitat and numbers of those species more natural to the region, like bass, crappie, and pickeral? Trout (and trout stamps) don't fit in slow-moving, warmer blackwater, except that the State can make a few extra bucks by convincing spring and fall Saturday anelgrs that they're really fishing with fly-rods and nymphs in the fast moving streamwaters of upstate New York.
2. | Jun 11, 2013
its easy to speculate about whats good and whats wrong sitintg in a warm room and watching youtube. Nothing personal. I'm talking about shock, stress and pain. Not long time ago i was the evidence of the situation where aa bus drive over a kid. All my I know how it will be in the best way' dissapeared and in first moment i felt all my f*cking weakness. But its ok with a kid now.what about cayenne guy you don't speak russian but 99% comments 'bout him contains only strong words