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- Category: Hobbies
- Description: Zues Ragnaok online
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- Created On: Mar 1, 2007
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- Hits: 17747
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User Comments:
1. | Dec 12, 2013
I am looking for child care for my two boys for January 2013. My odlset will be 3 in Feb. and my youngest will be 1 in Jan. I am looking for in and around the south end of Regina. I need to be able to drop off at 7 and pick up at 5, most often drop off would be 7:30. I am looking for someone who likes to take the children on outings and keeps them active. I work for a school division so services are not needed during school holidays but am understanding about the need to keep a space.My name is Dani, please email or call 586-9405
2. | Dec 10, 2013
Interesting the examples you icudnle are the stunning backgrounds of what must be the R&S tour de force, Ren Gets Help. Let's go to the video tape ...After Stimpy's Emmy worthy performance in the opening scene (who the heck was his acting coach, my mother? Chills...), we witness Ren Hoek's slow drag/plodding towards HELP, and you can't help but notice these BGs. These are real paintings, not mere backgrounds; the indifferent cows with their oversized udders in the pasture by the fence, the twilight when Ren enters and scrapes into the dank city, and, as twilight becomes the black/blue night shadow of some dirty back street, and all these Fleischer Bros. inspired characters in the BG and the foreground in muted circus clown colours look at Ren - the expressions - are they disgusted by him, are they just avoiding him because he's a stranger, do they sense his sickness and or his own self repulsion? Has Ren transgressed cartoon character laws of nature? The paintings of these characters in the street scene is amazing, and sets them apart from Ren as distant and remote.And near the end of the episode when Ren has just beat the living daylights literally out of Dr.Mr.Horse and he's gone M A D , the horse corpse is nightmarish, ghoulish and horrrible - perfect! Something from the French revolution, the dark side of course.And this woman did not a get a single Annie for her work?Incredible! I am dumbfounded!!
3. | Dec 5, 2013
Dear John K,I've wanted to write you for a long time bcasuee I have a story that you might get a kick out of. First off, this is the best blog EVER. And yes, Kristy is absolutely amazing!This is as good a place as any to post this, I guess.My husband and I will be married for 2 years this June. We first met in the 7th grade. The reason we originally started dating? Ren and Stimpy. Because that's the type of dorks we are.You see, our circle of friends absolutely worshipped Ren & Stimpy. This was during its original heyday on Nickelodeon. There was one episode in particular that stood out to all of us: In the Army (so a certain amount of thanks is also due to Bob Camp). We all had nicknames: Lemon Merchant, Little Missy, Toast (from PTM, of course). My husband was the Keeper of the Cheese, or just Cheese; I was Guido. Together we recited episodes, watched the show, bought the merchandise, wore the t-shirts. Fast forward 13 years and here we are today, Cheese and Guido, with our Ren & Stimpy DVDs. Thanks for everything John. We make underleg noises in your honor.
4. | Dec 2, 2013
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