Details » Roanoke Valley Airsoft League

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- Category: Hobbies
- Description: A place for airsoft enthusiast to gather and grow the sport
- Members: 0
- Created On: Aug 5, 2010
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 13992
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 6, 2018
2. | Jun 22, 2014
Tem16 merhaba ben htc hd2 ye bfctfcn uygmlauaları yaptım fakat daF exe yfcklenmiyor ve telefon f6ylecekaldı ne yapmam gerek bana cevap verebilirseniz sevinirim
3. | Jun 18, 2014
Tem16 merhaba ben htc hd2 ye bfctfcn uygalamuları yaptım fakat daF exe yfcklenmiyor ve telefon f6ylecekaldı ne yapmam gerek bana cevap verebilirseniz sevinirim
4. | May 22, 2014
Tem16 merhaba ben htc hd2 ye bfctfcn uylagamalurı yaptım fakat daF exe yfcklenmiyor ve telefon f6ylecekaldı ne yapmam gerek bana cevap verebilirseniz sevinirim
5. | Jul 26, 2013
Hey thanks for connemtimg and for begginers for airsoft, and because you are a paintballer you would probably like more of a speedsoft set of guns. 4 guns I would Highly Recomend would have to beKWA M4ECHO 1 G36CECHO 1 Mp5ECHO 1 P90These guns are Close to mid ranged and costs from $160-$210. If you are more of an aggressive player you would like the MP5 or P90 would be your best bet but if you move quite a bit but don't charge as much then the M4 or G36C are great.
6. | Jul 5, 2013
How to build a custom aifsort gun?I'm a person that gains satisfaction in building things I use myself, just like I built my computer, my aifsort mask, and my families dinner table.But now I've gotten an idea to perhaps, build an aifsort gunI'm not talking about cutting all the metal myself and building a gearbox from scratch, I'm talking about building one sorta like you would build a computer. Buying all the pats and simply putting them together.Any help on where I should start looking? or even if its possible?
7. | Jun 2, 2013
zfHdfQ hwyxxvabycuq
8. | May 31, 2013
Q3VWJ2 dvembofzcrnr
9. | May 28, 2013
CfGPql pnxisglhnxxp
10. | May 26, 2013
Hello, I have just completed a ptyotrope of the minigun you showed on youtube. I have completed a tank that will easily hold 100 psi and give me several good bursts. However, when I fire the gun the BBs dont always shoot out. This wastes significant air pressure and makes it a bit unreliable. I noticed in your videos both with the long barrel and the bottle gun that every time you fired it a steady stream of rounds came out. My question is how do I correct my design? I can only see a few solutions. 1 make a smaller chamber. 2 extend the brake line further into the chamber. or 3, I simply dont have enough air pressure to deliver a constant stream, although this one seems unlikely. I would appreciate some help on this as I hope to design a version that is both easy to re pressurize and fires reliably.Thanks, this is really a genius idea and I would love to perfect it.
11. | May 1, 2013
bF8TFC lhhloaqzqrlm
12. | Apr 28, 2013
a72Y11 umjsttauzykr