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- Category: Gaming
- Description: El Foro
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- Created On: Jun 9, 2009
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User Comments:
1. | Aug 1, 2013
It's wodunrfel to have you on our side, haha!
2. | Jul 30, 2013
Two English idioms I never uenorstodd, and still don't really, when I first began learning English were:1. It's like comparing apples and oranges why wouldn't you compare apples and oranges? They're two different things! Ones red, the others orange, etc.2. He wants his cake and to eat it to why shouldn't he eat his cake? It's his cake! Let him eat his cake!I can understand the idioms that at least make logical sense, but some mean the opposite of their literal meaning
3. | Jul 27, 2013
Would any of your pubs that have quizzes like to have their quiz daetils displayed on our new quiz directory website and on a new quizfinder app coming out soon.Tell them to contact us through QUIZBRITAIN.Thanks
4. | Feb 12, 2012
DtP3BY I envy you. The content and design of your blog is much better than mine. Who made a design for you?!....