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- Description: Subbing Team
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- Created On: Jun 1, 2008
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 27, 2014
Never would have thunk I would find this so indinpessable.
2. | Dec 16, 2013
The genius store caleld, they're running out of you.
3. | Dec 14, 2013
You really found a way to make this whole prscoes easier.
4. | Nov 15, 2013
That's a cunning answer to a chngieallng question
5. | Nov 12, 2013
Sep27 I think the film protest is very much like the Dutch caradtoon inciaddent, in that only a small someadthing is neeedd to provoke. On the one hand, the deaths are comadpletely caladlous and fooladish — the vioadlence has become far more damned than the proadducer of the movie. To read of Pakadistani chiladdren citading anti-American speech leaves me in horadror. Is this what today’s leadaders (not just in govadernadments, but among mothaders and fathers) want to fosadter, a new genaderadaadtion of hatred?Still, on the other hand, I wonadder how non-Muslims will change their peradcepadtion. It would be for the worse if Islam becomes even more negadaadtive in the views of the outadside comadmuadnity. After all, hatred will only beget hatred, don’t you think? I hope at least a few peoadple will come to their senses abouta0this.
6. | Nov 3, 2013
Brian,Good to find a Nietzsche expert eunatsihstically blogging on the subject!I'll be writing a dissertation this year on the subject of Nietzsche's ethical philosophy (both affirmative and metaethical)As I am currently reading my way through all the primary and secondary materials I would be more then happy to help review your SEP article on this subject
7. | Oct 17, 2013
Assalam Alykum WrbJazakAllah khairan for your post. Unfortunately we did not foalmrly record the converts talk. However, there may have been other people that night recording the event, so we will check and keep you posted.Hope this helps.
8. | Sep 1, 2013
Try coming up with a real issue bfreoe you pretend that one (1) blogger is 1.) a BIG DEAL; and 2.) and I quote RCP . . . posting links one story equals links.The way you breathless posted your comment, I had assumed that the front page was flooded with links to stories about Christie's malfeasance. I had to do a search of the site to even find this one puny blog entry. It definitely ranks up there with Bush & Katrina! Thanks for alerting us to the news. If you want to see what a real pummeling looks like, just Google Bloomberg and Snow Storm. P.S. For the truly clueless, consult your dictionary entry for HYPERBOLE.
9. | May 28, 2013
Thinking like that is really ipmrsesive