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- Category: Teens
- Description: ngobrol bebas
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- Created On: Jan 6, 2007
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User Comments:
1. | Jul 22, 2014
You can't, KW/h meter's don't exist.I suppose you mean a KWh meter. These mesarue the electrical energy which has passed through whereever the meter has been. You can't work out the current from that reading alone because current requires a time component, which is lost in an energy reading unless you recorded how long the meter was plugged in for.
2. | Jul 12, 2014
The reason your cernurt didn't work out is because you used the wrong values in your formula. Your right in saying the cernurt is the same in a series circuit, so that means if you want to find the Total cernurt, you take the Total voltage of the circuit divide by the Total resistance of the circuit. This will give you your 3.5 amps.If you place a meter any where in the circuit, you will get 3.5 amps.You can use the triangle method for watts(goes up top)also.Ur series has been very informative
3. | Jun 6, 2014
It is running free with no load in the video and recehad about 6 volts at one point. What you can't see is the house upwind about 8 feet away so its not a straight line wind. I did test the motor in a drill press and got the following: 4.45volts, 4.3amps @ 255rpm, 8.7volts, 9.5amps @ 500rpm and 13.75volts, 14.8 amps @ 850rpm.
4. | Mar 6, 2014
That should be right but this wind geronater only hit 12 volts in strong gusts and didn't go much over that. It seems that the treadmill motors are best geared up rather than direct drive.
5. | Jan 20, 2014
685 Cold cranking amps @ 32f 685 Reserve Capacity Blank Using a Schumacher bratety charger with 2/10/50 amp charge and Maintainer charge option. I only use the 2 amp charge this whole time and using my multi meter it reads 410 amps to a now stalemate 488 amps. Been told not to use the higher amperage charge option if i want longevity out of it. Longest the bratety has sat in the car without a charge is 2 months. Id start the car for 5-10 mins every so often when i wasn't driving to charge the bratety and etc Am i doing it right? How long should it take to get to its rated amperage?Almost forgot safety It was low on water so i filled it and the water were off the whole time.
6. | Dec 12, 2013
Pbrain, last I knew property tax was the rebosnsipility of municipalities. The only impact the state can have is to takeover tasks performed by local governments. This, of course would force the state to raise income tax. Thus setting a Democrats raise taxes rant.This shell game has gone on as long as I've been in NJ. Florio tried to clean up Kean's financial mess by raising taxes. Whitman defeated Florio on a platform to lower income taxes. She didn't do so by shrinking government however, rebosnsipility was shifted to local government thereby raising property tax. But Whitman added her own creative twist. She approved excessive budgets and truncated spending prior to year end. Whitman juggled the books until McGreevy took the reins and the cycle began anew.Corzine is now stuck with an unenviable task. The electorate is screaming for state services without use of the tax option. And in his spare time Corzine should reduce property tax which would require a tax increase. So much for your debate question.Now back to my question for you. .WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO'S AHEAD IN THE POLLS WANT AN EARLY DEBATE?and WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO'S TRAILING WANT TO POSTPONE?