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- Created On: Mar 9, 2010
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 7, 2018
2. | Jan 7, 2018
3. | Jun 18, 2014
That's way the betsest answer so far!
4. | Mar 18, 2014
mecnh thedch trang web ne0y, rất hữu edch ve0 tiện lợi cho việc tra cứu te0i liệu học tập, ve0 cf2n free nữa. Ce1m ơn BQT website ^^
5. | Jul 7, 2013
Thank you an incredible simbut, may study one's others content. thank you your thinking for this, I soon became somewhat made an impact to by this text. Many thanks again! You wanna make a terrific time. Got some fantastic info here. I do think that when a greater number of people thought about it like this, they'd have a very better moment in time receive the hold ofing the issue.
6. | May 19, 2013
Charice weight is FINE. Judging from this nubmer, she seems coping her breath in-between which explains she should improve her stamina. It's understandable she looks tired since they arrived in the morning of her concert in a 16-hour flight from LA. But if you watch Charice Tokyo Japan tour last year, she's full of energy with scintillating moves on the same Crazy in Love nubmer. We wish her the best in Infinity Tour in March despite of her foot injury, Good Luck Cha! Cha-moves still there!