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- Category: Art & Literature
- Description: philnett03
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- Created On: Aug 19, 2012
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1. | Jun 26, 2014
Scandals aside Ron DeFillippis and the other CPAs used the Per Pupil cost statistic as the main focus of their Roxbury reievw. But instead of investigating Roxbury's cost items searching for areas for improvement, the group arbitrarily decided that Randolph is efficient, compared the two and criticized Roxbury for not matching that standard. Districts are never identical and comparisons should be avoided.Apparently the DeFillippis group's admiration for Randolph stems from the discovery of that district’s User Friendly Budget Report. they found it straightforward and easy to read adding that DeFillippis spent 3 hours trying to understand Roxbury’s documentation. Had the volunteer CPAs bothered to look, they’d have discovered that all NJ districts, including Roxbury post User Friendly budgets in the exact same format.DeFillippis should have focused on Roxbury and avoided the childish name calling.