Details » Perfect Dark Ladder

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- Category: Gaming: Specific Game
- Description: PUGs and other assorted games for PD XBLA.
- Members: 0
- Created On: Mar 19, 2010
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 6711
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 6, 2018
2. | Oct 5, 2013
well my knee really didn't hurt at all after the suregry. it was just sore and really swollen so it was uncomfortable. but i was walking on it two to three days after suregry. recovery went very fast and was really easywhat did u do to your knee?
3. | Oct 3, 2013
thankyou so do i and yeah it is very annoying and i ireunjd my knee last febuary and the doctors just kept sending me home with a pulled ligmament which is a bummer but at the moment i am doing sports but just not telling the phyios but im not playing football just light things
4. | Jun 6, 2013
lexzjc unbxfnburatx
5. | Feb 13, 2012
Comrade kill yourself..
6. | Feb 12, 2012
kFkBS4 I`m so grateful that you enlightened me and the most important thing that it happened in time. Just think, I have been using the internet for six years already but it`s the first time I`ve ever heard about it!...