Details » Full of Regrets

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- Category: Art & Literature
- Description: Full of Regrets
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- Created On: Oct 17, 2012
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- Hits: 4753
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1. | Jun 28, 2014
Well, once you finish your asaoicstes degree, you have to first obtain your bachelors degree before you can get your masters degree. After your asaoicstes degree, which takes 2 years, you will need to spend another 2 years to finish out your bachelors degree. Then you have to apply to graduate school and work on your master which typically takes between 2-3 years depending on how ambitious you are on completing your thesis and required course work.Please understand though that even with a masters degree you will still not be able to get your license or practice clinical psychology, if that is your ultimate goal. Instead, you will need to also finish out a Ph.D in clinical psychology and then pass your board exams. The Ph.D take an additional 2-3 years depending on how long you take to finish your dissertation.It is a long process, but very well worth it in the end. The starting pay for a clinical psychologist is 45-50 thousand a year!