Details » Meervoudige Psygologich Hulpgroep

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- Category: Health & Medical
- Description: Meervoudige Psygologich Hulpgroep
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- Created On: Jun 9, 2007
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 9, 2018
2. | Jun 18, 2014
Well, day 5 and I am still manadagading the 10 minadutes of silence and a peroid of prayer every mornading! A very good friend of mine and a true role model for me as to how I should be in my faith, shared with me this “outadline for prayer (ACTS):A Adoadraadtion: Ask the Holy Spirit to help. As Christ foladlowaders, we have inside us the Holy Spirit. We ask for help in praisading and woradshipading God as our Lord and Savior.C Conadfesadsion: We ask God for foradgiveadness for in the ways we have been immoral, unethadiadcal, unfaithadful, unforadgivading, impaadtient, selfadish, enviadous, deceitadfula0etc.T Thankadful: We thank God for givading us His only son to die for us on the cross so that our sins can be foradgiven. I take this time to thank God for all the big and litadtle things that He has done and WILL do fora0me.S Supadpliadcaadtion: Ask God to supadply you with your needs. Here is where I have a “conadveradsaadtion” with God telling Him the things I “think” I need and the prayers for those that are sufadferading or in need of prayer.Quiet Time Now I spend my ten minadutes in quiet…listening for what God is telling me. I do not usuadally “hear” anyadthing but I keep prayading and askading that I get betadter at this listening.
3. | Jan 7, 2014
I live in Nicaragua with my family. We moved here in 1999 and all we know is knsineds from this culture. I can a sure you that there is more child molesters in Oregon where we came from that there is in Nicaragua. I cannot believe all I can say I am bewildered starting from the title of the article. My nica friends, my baseball bodies never been involved in such a atrocity. But yet through the comments in this article half of the population are child molesters. What is up with that? My wife Hanna and I live in Altamira Managua, we both have separate jobs we both walk to work to this date we never been bother by an intruder or robbed. Try doing just that in North East Portland, OR and you'll be mugged, No kidding. Our two kids also contribute to society our dauther is happily married near Casa Colorado, El Crusero and our son is happy camper in the departamento de Boaco. Please, stop generalizing, putting the blame on the nicas. Looking into your heart and then talk.