Details » Lindsey Robinson

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- Created On: Jan 13, 2011
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 8, 2018
2. | Jan 6, 2014
Your answer lifts the inlntligeece of the debate.
3. | Nov 17, 2013
TLJ42V A big thank you for your blog post.Thanks Again. Want more.
4. | Nov 15, 2013
How about this sequence of three queositns: 1) Thinking about the "language of the proceedings" (LP) and the first language (FL) of the case-managing members of the ED, OD and TBA, what proportion of cases with French as the LP are decided by EPO people with French as FL?Let me put it another way. How often is it that a case with French as LP is NOT tried by EPO people with French as their mother tongue? I suspect that there are more French speakers in the EPO than there are cases available for them with French as the LP. If so, dare EPO managers give such a case to anybody except a French native speaker? 2) By contrast, when the LP is in English, who gets to manage that case? My perception of the default condition is: NOT a native English speaker. 3) So, could this explain why, on those occasions when UK-based attorneys find themselves representing English-speaking Opponents in cases where French is both the LP and the FL of the representative of the patentee, they worry about bias?My view: As a prelude to pan-European litigation of an LP Euro-patent, it is helpful to have validity tested in the EPO coarse filter by non-English speaking judges. By contrast, look what happens to those French language patents, in litigation downstream of the EPO.
5. | Nov 12, 2013
I don't think some of the above is factually corrcet as any record that is online is digitised whereas I think you mean transcribed, although having looked at the site they have transcribed, partially transcribed and OCRed some of their records.A lot of their records do seem to be only viewable from the books directly though.
6. | Nov 3, 2013
How often is it that a case with French as LP is NOT tried by EPO people with French as their moethr tongue?Extremely often, I must say. I should know, as a former EPO examiner with a different moethr tongue who dealt with possibly a few hundred French-language applications...You appear to be under the misapprehension that files at the EPO are distributed according to language. This isn't so: they are primarily distributed by technical field, and there's only a handful of examiners for each technical field, so that there can't be much redistribution by language.An examiner may indicate that he rather wouldn't deal with files where he doesn't feel sufficiently fluent in the LP, but that rarely happens, because EPO examiners are supposed to be fluent in all three official languages.Now, you may be have more cause for complaint with your second point. Indeed, EPO examiners with English as their moethr tongue are few and far between. There are two reasons for that:a) The low level of foreign language teaching in Britain.b) The high level of salaries for highly-skilled graduates in Britain .Belgians, for instance, are overrepresented at the EPO because of their multilingualism. The French, on the other hand, are not (and possibly a majority of French examiners are from Alsace). Spaniards, Italians and Greeks are also overrepresented among the ranks of EPO examiners, but not because of the general level of foreign languages in those countries (which is quite abysmal), but because young engineers and scientists, no matter how highly skilled, are very badly paid there. A young engineer with a good command of English, French and German may easily triple or quadruple his earnings by working at the EPO rather than staying in Spain, Italy or Greece (physicists, chemists, never mind biologists, will have had already enough trouble getting a paying job in Southern Europe).So, if you want to solve the problem of the underrepresentation of native English-speakers at the EPO, there's a simple solution: halve the salaries of young graduates in Britain.
7. | Jul 17, 2013
Nullam in magna quis libero poresue vestibulum. Donec mi leo, elementum ut, tincidunt at, condimentum eu, est. Donec sed nisl ac justo consectetur viverra. Nulla volutpat est vitae nisl. Nullam aliquam ipsum a arcu facilisis adipiscing. Pellentesque cursus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla gravida viverra urna.Aenean condimentum, arcu sit amet volutpat ullamcorper, erat sapien tempor dolor, ac consectetur diam ante at nibh. Proin erat lectus, vehicula id, consequat quis, semper ac, felis. Sed in lectus. Duis nec massa. Nullam augue. Duis dolor felis, porta et, molestie vitae, imperdiet eget, purus. Mauris iaculis. In cursus, neque eu sollicitudin ullamcorper, odio mauris tempus odio, id tincidunt metus leo vel ipsum. Quisque suscipit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam sed libero. Nunc sollicitudin diam a
8. | Jul 15, 2013
Etiam a felis. Fusce sed dolor. Mauris lectus mi, frliligna tempor, varius sit amet, placerat a, velit. Suspendisse justo. In vehicula urna frliligna neque. Suspendisse cursus, magna a imperdiet pellentesque, lacus velit dignissim urna, vel suscipit massa enim ac nunc. Proin porta aliquet eros. Curabitur ut erat. Quisque vitae tortor.Duis imperdiet, mi eget euismod fermentum, odio nisl posuere quam, sit amet tristique urna diam at lacus. Duis congue lacus non ipsum. Donec felis tortor, lacinia at, rhoncus id, scelerisque ornare, nisi. Mauris felis ligula, pharetra vitae, posuere eget, tincidunt at, turpis. Donec eget ligula. Praesent fermentum dictum nisl. Phasellus enim. Nam placerat. Ut dignissim est nec lorem. Aliquam eros augue, rutrum et, placerat in, euismod in, libero. Morbi venenatis, eros non gravida rhoncus, leo metus venenatis augue, vitae dignissim lorem sapien eget diam. Ut nisl. Fusce quis lorem. Etiam mollis risus
9. | Jun 13, 2013
3i7gaJ hpzzzanfqqyt
10. | Jun 12, 2013
zZsxkT burusgkcgbba
11. | Jun 12, 2013
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adsciiping elit. Fusce blandit tincidunt diam in faucibus. Nam sapien diam, aliquam non suscipit ac, euismod id lorem. Quisque gravida posuere felis viverra porttitor. Quisque luctus egestas porta. Suspendisse posuere condimentum tristique. Vestibulum eu faucibus mi. Vivamus eget dictum felis. Aliquam pulvinar ultricies sagittis.Vivamus eget mauris risus. Mauris vel elit ac felis mollis porttitor non quis neque. Morbi vehicula, justo non congue sodales, nibh tellus feugiat odio, a varius ante ipsum non odio. Vivamus vitae turpis sed dolor tristique ornare eu a lectus. Etiam tristique semper eros, a bibendum mi varius vel. Maecenas viverra risus eget augue suscipit aliquam. Morbi non risus libero. Nam risus turpis, imperdiet et porta vitae, bibendum vel felis. Sed imperdiet pulvinar mi, a tempus ipsum pharetra at. Nulla augue nisi, eleifend eget pharetra et, convallis at quam. Maecenas ornare rhoncus arcu, in ullamcorper velit interdum in.VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait...VA:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)
12. | Jun 10, 2013
vPRfoe utmhxtvqkwev
13. | Jun 10, 2013
"...because according to my Blogger Dashboard, the same mdroeating/captcha requirements should be in place on all my blogs."I just commented at SBP and while I had to log into my Google account and received the Your comment will be visible after approval. message, I didn't have to translate weird code-words.Ooohhmm. Sending out SPAM-blocking karma.Ooohhmm.