Details » New Kiefer's Place

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- Category: TV & Movies
- Description: Private fan forum for Kiefer Sutherland fans
- Members: 0
- Created On: Mar 12, 2012
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 4212
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User Comments:
1. | Apr 28, 2013
I love this show. Its sooo good. I believe in sntiroyiccny (sp) but am not sure everyone is in sync in the whole wide world but i love how they do it all on this show. I agree that it is unnerving to never have that kid talk but maybe he will soon. Loved how armies and Becca got together with her chasing the dog and loved that the kid got to strew his dads ashes at the stadium. Also the Russian mob guywas forgiving and his poor little magician son still ddoesnt have his dog. Wonder if they willvcarry that into next week????? Good show and very good ratings..
2. | Feb 19, 2013
lQHg6C idmscwbbhaws
3. | Feb 17, 2013
o1xfRp zniwtmnoyknp
4. | Feb 16, 2013
For example I have 1 month long dibopsasle contact lenses. However, I only wear contacts for special occasions which counts as a week per month. Does this mean I have to switch the contacts every month or is it the length of time you actually wear the contacts? Could I keep the contacts for the 30 days I wear them or throw them out every month? I have specific type of contacts so its rather expensive.