Details » fashion shopping

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- Category: Anime
- Description: guide about mbt shoes shopping fashion
- Members: 0
- Created On: Mar 10, 2010
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- Hits: 16105
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User Comments:
1. | Oct 3, 2013
etot kurginyan sodlat rothschildov! ego tozhe raskrutshiwaut w Rossii dlja psewdosozialisma po trotskomu (nowi tolpolitarism) i raswala Rossii (revoluzia kak eto uzhe bilo) Info pro kurginyana na KPE. ru !!!Dmitri Slawoljubov ..wash bibleiski projekt w rasnowidnoi forme skoro prowaliza i washa psewdowlast (kapitalism, pwsewdosozialism gde toka elita rulit a ne narod..) isbrannix balnix skoro bolshe nebudet
2. | Oct 1, 2013
There is more than 50km from any city with PD/FD or ambulance. Not a fly wetaher for ambulance helicopter. Why you think nobody call them?And in this situation there is no possibility to help injured 'cause the may have broken bones or neck you rather kill him not help. And i such a temperatire they will be frozen in any way
3. | Jun 11, 2013
I think you hit a bullseye there felals!