Details » kankyhome

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- Category: Teens
- Description: kankyhome
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- Created On: Apr 16, 2007
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 7, 2018
2. | Jun 27, 2014
Full MF Global Bankruptcy Petition In Which We Find That Corzine's Bankrupt Firm Owes CNBC $845,397?Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/31/2011 10:43Bond Comcast Deutsche Bank MF GlobalFull bankruptcy finilg attached below, where we find that in addition to owing JPM and Deutsche Bank $1.2 billion and $1 billion respectively, as bond trustees, the 7th biggest unsecured creditor with $845,397, is CNBC? Perhaps that explains the objective reporting the Comcast station has provided on the topic of MF over the past several weeks, considering the caliber and quality of guests invited to opine. It also should be a reminder to all advertising collections offices to never be more than 30 days late on collecting receivables. Of course, this is pure speculation on our behalf. We are confident CNBC will provide a far more rational explanation why it is owed nearly $1 million by MF Global, and just what is the nature of services rendered Read the entire article at
3. | Jan 9, 2014
bas doubt is doubt, EVERYTHING is included or it's not what it is! Layal, doubt is a gift, use it wesliy, never doubt for the sake of doubting or enjoying it, even though it can be fun, doubt for the sake of seeking an logical answer or till you find peace in something to believe in at the same time, never go too far in doubt, it can be lead to DESPAIR!!!! So control yourself with reasoning LOLWhat am I saying, lecturing!Still discovering/rediscovering yourself aren't you!?I like the quote which said something about understanding yourself will help you understand people, or something like that!Anyway,My other advice is, don't doubt at all. Reason, lie to yourself and reason if you have to but don't end up in doubt LATEr!!!!VA:F [1.9.20_1166]please wait...VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)
4. | Jan 8, 2014
KingdomFirstMom. Feel free to check it out, and while you are there, make sure you check out her Blogging Goals for 2010. This post is very inspiring, wheethr you are a fellow blogger or not. Alyssa also hosts the weekly