Details » hjemme/hjemmeskolering

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- Category: Family & Parents
- Description: familie forum
- Members: 0
- Created On: Oct 4, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 16833
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User Comments:
1. | Jul 26, 2014
So moro at man kan treffe blngvegeoner i det virkelige livet ogse5, og e5 virkelig bli venner! Hf8res ut som at dere har hatt det helt fortreffelig. Og det loppemarkedet skulle jeg gjerne ogse5 ha besf8kt, for den ble5 suppeterrinen i bildet er bare helt etter min smak! Men den hadde nok kostet en formue, se5 det er kanskje like greit a jeg ikke var der...
2. | Jun 14, 2014
Well, sad to say, I only tend to play catch-up with this blog (and others on the D-H weibste).I'm sure hoping D-H went back to option c'.If I wanted serious commentary and back-and-forth conversation, I'd rather spend my time involved with the excellent OPB radio show Think Out Loud . Much broader base of callers, and guests with solid opinions to interact with. Lets face it, they have many more people to draw from, as compared to the D-H weibste Farrell (selling all of us short a good idea, given the recent stock market trends, no?)
3. | Sep 5, 2013
InnaFarrington:My Engl is not so good,but, in general:Norway has nicoted Rybak while ago,that's how singer with Belarusian origin became a contestant from Norway.Ehh,it's a pity that Patricia Kaas does not perform from Estonia.*Bzzz*numbers of Eurovision have grown-no Europe is lovesick not only for the hot boy Sakis Rouvas,also for a new-made Norway pride with Belar. origin-Aleksander Rybak.
4. | Sep 2, 2013
Most shoppers LOVE their boxed and ferzon fare. I am a bit of an anomaly. There is no soda or Velveeta in my cart! I purposely shop the perimeter of the store for meats, dairy and produce with a few conveniences (bread, cereal) thrown in. This forces me to cook from scratch and menu plan whether I feel like it or not. You can even find coupons for healthier options.