Details » Hidden Spice

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- Category: Forum Services
- Description: Quench your thirst for beauty
- Members: 0
- Created On: May 5, 2013
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 2255
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User Comments:
1. | Aug 14, 2013
ti snachala povrgooi s nei i rasskaji o svoei pechalnoi istorii,a potom sprosi hochet li ona ot tebya rebenka,tak chestnee.Ne skrivai eto ot lubimogo cheloveka,kak bi ei tyajelo ne bilo.Ona doljna podumat horoshenko ,potomu chto rebenok eto ne plushavii medvyajenok,ego ne vikinesh,ego nado rasti i vospitivat,a eto mnogo let,poetomu ne skrivai ot nee,tem bolee esli ei pridetsya odnoi rastit ego.A chto tak pechalno sovsem v tvoei jizni,chto sluchilos s taboi?
2. | Aug 13, 2013
I explain all of this in and users can take adnvgtaae of the very simple to manually create your own tags to your own blog without editing the template. As a fellow users, I have no ability to edit the template and use the bookmarklet to add tags to my posts. I'm very unhappy with the enforced tag linking to tags, so join with my voice to request they offer a choice, if not change this by complaining through the feedback or on the forum.