Details » HawaiiRAW

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- Category: Pets
- Description: HawaiiRAW is for people who feed raw meat based diets to their carnivorous companion animals based on any and all RAW feeding principles. This group was designed to help pool resources to purchase raw meats locally and share ideas on how to feed
- Members: 0
- Created On: Apr 24, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 7424
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 29, 2014
raw food is unhealthy and if all you fat iotids want to eat tons of raw food instead of 3 hot meals a day go right ahead but if you start gaining weight dont ask yourself why..also this is just another scam. buy this book it will tell you how to lose weight by eating only raw food!
2. | May 1, 2014
Hey, Adam, don't you think the freshwater aenrgls of SJ would be better served by the State eliminating the trout stocking and focusing instead on enhancing the habitat and numbers of those species more natural to the region, like bass, crappie, and pickeral? Trout (and trout stamps) don't fit in slow-moving, warmer blackwater, except that the State can make a few extra bucks by convincing spring and fall Saturday aenrgls that they're really fishing with fly-rods and nymphs in the fast moving streamwaters of upstate New York.
3. | Jul 2, 2013
Exactly. Not to mention, the lonegst living dog, who just died recently, also ate chocolate and that's no coincidence, since most dogs do not eat cholate today. There is nothing wrong with cacao, just make sure it is really raw and organic. In fact, you can't go wrong with unfermented cacao beans because it's really raw' and it even contains more antioxidants than other cacao beans. These guys bashing raw cholcate can't give us any scientific evidence of it being unhealthy whatsoever.
4. | Jun 25, 2013
ya3ni another thing to read??(it looks very innierstetg, you know i'll read through it..)bas aymta ra7 irja3 la kutbi li nseeta 3al raf, my old books which i've abandoned for the bright screen?VA:F [1.9.20_1166]please wait...VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)