Details » glado

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- Category: Anime
- Description: glado
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- Created On: Apr 28, 2010
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User Comments:
1. | Oct 19, 2013
Actually this is not a bad translation at all. Pretty close. Some might not like becusae of the voice BUT it is Julliard, And they wouldn't sing the way Visotsky did. But I am glad they know him well.
2. | Aug 1, 2013
NE PRAVILJNO DALI NASVANIE PEREDACHE NE SOBACHJE SERDSE A PRAVILJNEE NASVATJ SOBACHJA DUSHA . problema zdesj v tom cho ganirza mejdu delovitostj i isvracheniem stiraetsa i perexodit v sadizm . dusha eto chto to emforicheskoe i pokidaet telo posle 3 dnejminus dlja peredachi , i minus dlja delovitosti devochek
3. | Jul 31, 2013
Whoa, things just got a whole lot easrie.
4. | Feb 12, 2012
9eXlit I almost accidentally visited to this site, but stayed here for a long time. Stayed because everything was very interesting. Surely will share with all my friends!....