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- Category: Forum Services
- Description: Game Over - Server Speed 3x
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- Created On: Feb 22, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 8730
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User Comments:
1. | Apr 16, 2018
2. | Jan 8, 2018
3. | Apr 18, 2014
Hi Rosi,I hate it when that happens!! Unfortuneately the copuon may have not been in your inserts. All copuon inserts vary by region. In fact I often find that our local paper doesn't have many of the copuons as the paper that comes from another town (which is the one I end up getting).
4. | Aug 14, 2013
Yeah, Targets price match is not a true match when you use coupons. Target has an adcanve register system that actually removes your coupon amount from the product price on the receipt. So on your receipt it shows that the product cost $6.00 instead of $9.00. So this serves two purposes for them 1. They don't allow price matching before you go through the register so they can price match based on the price that you actually paid ..2. If you were to return the item they will only refund the amount you paid rather than the amount pre-coupon.
5. | Aug 13, 2013
Hi Rosi,I hate it when that happens!! Unfortuneately the copoun may have not been in your inserts. All copoun inserts vary by region. In fact I often find that our local paper doesn't have many of the copouns as the paper that comes from another town (which is the one I end up getting).
6. | Feb 1, 2013
gqTB4g fgcjicxhjmzq
7. | Jan 29, 2013
I have been mesmerized with the Titanic for as long as I can rmeember. I would love nothing more than to speak with the last remaining survivor of the Titanic. Time is of the essence, I know, and I do not know of a way to contact Millvina. If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it.Also, if anyone knows of anyway to contact any families of the survivors I would greatly appreciate it as you cannot find much information on the internet regarding contact information.