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- Category: Gaming: Console
- Description: dfssdf
- Members: 0
- Created On: Jul 5, 2012
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 14266
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User Comments:
1. | Apr 17, 2018
2. | Apr 16, 2018
3. | Jan 8, 2018
4. | Jun 27, 2014
ANDY:It would be nice if you gave your lay readers a bit of cxentot. Since you haven't, I will.The visit to the dentist you linked to cost $90. The average Russian earns $3/hour, so that visit cost 30 hours' worth of wages. Even at the minimum wage in the U.S. of $7/hour, which is far below average, that would put the visit at $210 in American cost, a frightening expense for a minimum-wage worker just to have a cavity filled. But the average wage in the USA is $20/hour, meaning that this is the same as an American paying $600 to have a cavity filled. It's not something, to say the least, that most Americans are likely to do.And if you visit a dentist who charges prices Russians can actually afford, you have a slightly different experience. You may not ever have done so, which would explain why you might have trouble picking up on this issue. Not that it's all the dentists' fault, of course. Given the puny wages they work for and the shoddy quality of their education, it isn't surprisingLa Russophobeb4s last blog post..
5. | Jun 18, 2014
etot kurginyan sldaot rothschildov! ego tozhe raskrutshiwaut w Rossii dlja psewdosozialisma po trotskomu (nowi tolpolitarism) i raswala Rossii (revoluzia kak eto uzhe bilo) Info pro kurginyana na KPE. ru !!!Dmitri Slawoljubov ..wash bibleiski projekt w rasnowidnoi forme skoro prowaliza i washa psewdowlast (kapitalism, pwsewdosozialism gde toka elita rulit a ne narod..) isbrannix balnix skoro bolshe nebudet