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- Category: Education
- Members: 67
- Created On: Jan 5, 2007
- Posts: 55
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 8, 2018
2. | Jan 5, 2018
3. | Jun 13, 2014
Supporting LEAF is reflective of good cmitunmoy citizenship and values in support of our cmitunmoy of Scenic Acres as a whole. Having recently canvassed around my home streets, I have been encouraged by the demonstration of such values from so many neighbours. Conversations around all sorts of issues that are valuable to our cmitunmoy arose and gave us something to connect about. As cmitunmoy residents we should take any advantage to be part of making our cmitunmoy better for everyone, not just our personal property but showing pride and support for others. I particularly like the fact that we, as residents, will have control over how our cmitunmoy greenspaces are cared for. This will only increase property value for everyone. Just taking a walk around one can see the neglect in these places. Being neighbourly and cmitunmoy-minded is one of the great strengths of our cmitunmoy I was pleased to see so much of those values being upheld still by so many cmitunmoy-minded citizens!. What a great place we live in!
4. | Dec 21, 2013
Aug02Robin Reneau Hey Stephen: I would love to take free video lensoss. I have taken lensoss here at IHOP but would love to take more! I know some scales and am willing to learn more scales and so on. Thanks- Robin
5. | Dec 5, 2013
Gosh, I wish I would have had that inoafmotirn earlier!
6. | Dec 3, 2013
Hooray for Khadija! You have been showcased on the 100wc wetibse your name is there at the top of the list! What a lovely surprise for us I'm really proud of you! Mrs C xx
7. | Jul 14, 2013
Holy conscie data batman. Lol!
8. | Jul 12, 2013
In response to Randy's qieutson about the Jack Attack Race. I personally consider the Jack Attack series to primarily be a social event with the primary purpose of getting the participants to Marina Jack's with as close a finishing time for all as possible. Our race last night did a pretty good job with the first boat finishing in 59min and the last at 1hr and 6min. (exception being a multi hull that was 1hr and 15min. The wind held for the entire race last night but most often it dies when the sun sets and this often leaves the slower boats with the choice of either to quit or motor to the restaurant. I welcome having a few of our Non-Spin boats sail the long course and be scored as a Spinnaker entry and the pursuit timing chart can be expanded to meet this request. I am trying to encourage more Non-Spin boats to participate and I believe we will gradually get more for this event by offering a shorter course (1.2nm shorter) for both Non-Spin and Cruising. Thanks to all who participated!!!
9. | May 19, 2013
P0c5Kn rblumotzqxlp
10. | May 2, 2013
E6mNpp ozgnjdzkcqzj
11. | Apr 30, 2013
BION I'm ipmerssed! Cool post!
12. | Nov 18, 2012
You just didlightandbeautiful says:Please visit my chneanl for the unpopular truth about homosexuality.A person does not need hatred or any kind of phobia in order to acknowledge important differences between heterosexual attraction / behavior / marriage / adoption and homosexual attraction / behavior / marriage / adoption. Even non-religious people know this.Homosexual activists, with support from the media, have successfuly framed themselves as noble victims; it's an effective way to push a social agenda.heroicman03 says:@rydag11 Haha great! you misreaded it DMJENI1 says:x lawyer says hopes for a happy ending? Shes VERY naive.The mom got drunk, as it was her adult time baby cried, wouldn't stop, mom got mad, either shook or strangled her to death. Her brother got rid of the body. Dad of baby knows all. Now, to prove it. Right Casey Anthony? You can run, but not forever.
13. | Feb 12, 2012
6mfwKp Author, keep doing in the same way..!!
14. | Oct 3, 2011
74owO0 otblnmqsltka
15. | Oct 1, 2011
You have shed a ray of snsuihne into the forum. Thanks!