Details » Vrt znanja i vrlina

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- Category: Religious
- Description: Vrt znanja i vrlina
- Members: 0
- Created On: Aug 27, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 10296
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1. | Sep 19, 2013
The State as a holistic enitty cannot afford to maintain the current vehicle stock at present.......what is it to do ?Decrease taxes on this waste ?What then ?However there is a problem with the FIRE sector charging huge insurance rates (this is simply a form of extraction in return for unproductive activity)My father has had difficulty insuring a old car for occasional use simply because it is a multi decade old is in perfect nick.Why should he buy a new one ?Simply because the FIRE sector demands a income over everyone else ?This is just another expression of the real wastage of resources within this fiefdom.