Details » Forum anak elektronika ITS Surabaya

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- Category: Education
- Description: Forum ini adalah forum untuk silaturahmi anak-anak elektronika ITS Surabaya, berbagi cerita, dan minta tolong. Terbuka untuk warga dari luar yang mau register.
- Members: 0
- Created On: Sep 21, 2008
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 6893
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User Comments:
1. | Nov 28, 2013
DonnaWe are selling out home and have ciclnh on a convent to prevent us on selling our home if the town does not approve this on thursday a lot of people other than our selves will be affected in a negative financial way. There is no reason why this should not go through. I am hoping that on Jan. 10 at 7 p.m. this will be resolved for our well being but mostly for the seller of our new home for he is older and needs us to make this happen for his well being in his new home. Thank you for listening to me.
2. | Aug 18, 2009
wwynzrik ptduetrt oforxpih
3. | Jul 31, 2009
qumcfimf jnmslahv jsgykcwg
4. | Jul 25, 2009
tkemxcqm cmiviopl mcbeikjh
5. | Jul 21, 2009
OkdVZ3 xjdxfovp dvksuojq jmusraju