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- Category: Education
- Description: Egitim
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- Created On: Jan 7, 2011
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 26, 2014
Jun23 Thank you so much! I am sending my rraeeds your way for this action- I've been looking for a good corner-rounder for two hours now! THANK YOU THANK YOU!
2. | Jan 15, 2014
I must admit I was skeptical about hafruml EMFs when I first researched them, but not SO skeptical that I didn't buy a Crystal Catalyst Bead to try out. After all, it seemed a cheap investment. Much to my surprise, it's shown genuine positive benefits to my health. The effect was subtle, but measurable. I decided to purchase some of the Bead pendants (Personal Protection, Breathe Easy, Serenity)for added benefit. Personally, I've found the Personal Protection pendant works best for me, but everyone could find a pendant to work for his/her specific need. Andrew and Doe's company offers the best prices and wonderful service. I've been very happy dealing with them, and will definitely keep using them for any more EMF protection devices I may need in the future!
3. | Dec 20, 2013
Jun23 Thank you so much! I am sending my rardees your way for this action- I've been looking for a good corner-rounder for two hours now! THANK YOU THANK YOU!
4. | Dec 19, 2013
Sep23janel I just downloaded your rounedd corners and want to thank you so much. What a great action, and something that I have wanted to do, but have not taken the time to learn how to do. Just wanted to tell you how nice it is that you shared them, and especially with PSE. Thank you SO very much!Oh, and I love those chunky crayons my kiddos had the rectangle ones when they were little and they are now 23 and 26 .and I am still saving them. ENJOY these years, they fly by.Thanks again.
5. | Sep 26, 2013
Hi FredWith or without PSE&G snopsoring the luncheon those lines will be built. They will be built with or without approvals from the BPU as well. PSE&G has skipped the local municipal process because, rightly so, it is useless. How many elected officials would take an objective look at the real issues knowing many voters are upset. The idea of conducting informational meetings in all towns affected is fine. It is also always good form to listen to concerns and address issues presented. Again, to think that any town would publicly endorse this project is pure nonsense. Now while the BPU is being represented as the approval entity the reality is they to could very easily by bypassed and over ruled by the federal agencies. So this brings me to the nagging question in Montville Township as I sit as a township Committee member. Why don’t towns focus on the safety concerns and clear cutting issues? Even PSE&G has stated they are willing to take EMF measurements to bench line EMF on the existing 230KV line. Of course my 2 cent opinion is our BPU should mandate these measurements for all towns and force PSE&G to document the test equipment and methods used as well as taking those measurements in the summer months when usage is at its highest. The reality is that the possibility does exist the EMF levels could be lower with the new transmission line because some of the EMF would cancel out since two transmission lines will be operating on the same towers.Art Daughtry