Details » dengdaide

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- Category: Anime
- Description: dengdaide
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- Created On: Jul 28, 2012
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1. | Dec 16, 2013
I have been approached by the local media who have aaedlry been working on an article for their publication on the cell tower controversy and he inquired what the Pt Robinson residents greatest concerns were. At this point as we have not heard from a number of councilors on their position on this issue our greatest concern is INDIFFERENCE. a0As the planning report supplied to council at the Sept 4th meeting seems innocuous it contains some incorrect facts and undisclosed realities of the process,-the proposed tower location is at 2133 Pt Robinson Rd not 2200-the default public disclosure process is inadequate and basically secretive ( notice placed in Niagara News July 18th one day )-a resident within the notification zone her complaint/concern was never addressed-another resident within the notification zone 35 meters from the base of the proposed tower was never informed of the project as his landlord withheld the information package from him-the subject land is presently zoned residential not industrial as Industry Canada recommends they be installed away from areas where people reside. The zoning for this area may never change.-Safety Code 6 is only a minimum standard, other jurisdictions within the province are adapting RF levels 100 times below Safety Code 6-land values will potentially decrease 2 to 30%-if there a0are no hazards associated with this tower why did the city chose to indemnify themselves against the projecta0a0 We feel the above issues are enough reason for council to reconsider the approval of this tower site and reject this application as unacceptable and we trust the decision will be in the best interests of the residents of Pt Robinson.a0We invite any councilor to provide an opinion on this serious and important issue and if time permits visit the subject area and speak to some of the residents that will be a0directly impacted by this tower.a0George Domitrek a0905 384-9402, 905 658-8235a0Thank you for your a0attention in this mattera0From: [