Details » credit card debt

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- Description: full info about credit card debt
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- Created On: Mar 18, 2009
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 5, 2018
2. | Aug 3, 2014
sXEYxv Really enjoyed this blog post.Really thank you! Awesome.
3. | Dec 12, 2012
fO368h reugehlddwxy
4. | Dec 10, 2012
Try Capital One call them, don't apply online, eplxain your situation and they will talk you through what is best on the phone. A friend of mine did this and she was able to get a card with a low credit line, but it was enough for her to charge a little each month to build her credit back up.
5. | Nov 18, 2012
agdIga eapdjjuxuapb
6. | Nov 16, 2012
CjeTnR hrkpstsgwsbs
7. | Nov 16, 2012
Right now, the best card for you situation would be a seurecd credit card. These are the easiest to get because a deposit which is used as collateral is placed upfront which can establish a credit line. For example, $300 gets you a $300 limit. The deposit is sometimes linked to a savings account or CD that gains interest while you're building credit, so the deposit isn't just sitting there. Also, you can treat this deposit as a startup for an emergency fund which you can use later. This credit card is going to be the new backbone of your credit history, so it's important that the limit be raised as often as possible. The higher the limit and the lower your balance, the better it looks on your score because there's a cushion between the credit you're using and your available credit. The best way to use the card would be to make a small purchase ($20/month max) pay it off on time, and increase the credit limit every month. This way, you're still building credit by showing payment activity, but you're not going into debt. Usually after a year, the card upgrades to a regular card, and the deposit is given back. Keep in mind that you can use this as an emergency fund that will help ease the heavy use of credit cards. I posted several links to some seurecd credit cards out there.Hopefully this helps,good luck!
8. | Sep 10, 2012
ZTJLmR dcvgkxrcmjly
9. | Aug 14, 2012
UZoHio syqhxgqapvzr
10. | Aug 14, 2012
UZoHio syqhxgqapvzr
11. | Aug 13, 2012
Nw3vVO irhhwaknndam
12. | Apr 7, 2012
SXsPgX tuzqzhlndyjm
13. | Apr 5, 2012
RPECQS dqptjsvyomkh
14. | Apr 4, 2012
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15. | Feb 23, 2012
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16. | Feb 19, 2012
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17. | Feb 17, 2012
This poerlbm can't be addressed it can only be endured However, enduring something like this will be impossible for our economy now that we have allowed the fed to waste the revenue for the next 30 years on failed bail outs.