Details » Catch Them Cheating

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- Category: Forum Services
- Description: Catch Them Cheating Then we will tell you where to do to Dump Them
- Members: 0
- Created On: Oct 5, 2010
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 17369
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 13, 2014
actually if you have access to cPanel.. goto email acocnuts configure from there.. if no cPanel access.. then contact your host.. also there are free scripts that allow ya to send emails.. I have a script I wrote, but that another story feel free to leave me a message on forum
2. | Aug 9, 2013
As far as i know to do that, the phone needs to have a SIM card, what METROPCS does not have it is other technology, so it is not pobssile to do it but how about to have the phone bill ? does it help for you ? you would be able to see in details all calls your husband made ( even if he delete it after) just sign a E-BILL with METROPCS, and u will get a complete bill with date, time and number of all phones he called.
3. | Aug 9, 2013
got-alot-to-give:Pretend you don't know anything, then when your out with his fmaliy and friends, humiliate him by telling everyone!Then his friends and fmaliy will see him for the loser he obviously is, i hope u find someone that wont treat you like that, hes obviously not the right guy!xReferences :
4. | Oct 5, 2010
I think this site has a great idea :)