Details » calibris

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- Category: News & Politics
- Description: Calibogus
- Members: 0
- Created On: Aug 18, 2008
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 5730
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User Comments:
1. | Aug 24, 2013
That's a smart answer to a tricky qusioetn
2. | Aug 22, 2013
hahaha pizdruu ene deer bgaa duu ni yu we. hcihan elgiin ym pizda. yaj vgleed bgaan. eniigee teed duu ntr gej nerleed bgaamuu. hahah gichii ymdaa eniigee bas ter cd-ndee shaatsan uu. 7100 tog-r solino ntr geed shaatsan hahaha zda orond ni opozit-n cd ahiad negiig awsan ni deer ym bn. zogii gene vv hcihan halaasnii hulgaich tsaraitai halzan bandi oligtoi vglej chadahgvi bj urlag ruu gaa ugaadas asgatsan gaj awgai shig l tatiga zda bnshde. ene yag ym ym be?
3. | Aug 11, 2013
Boom shklaaaka boom boom, problem solved.
4. | Jul 30, 2013
"...because according to my Blogger Dashboard, the same montiaerdg/captcha requirements should be in place on all my blogs."I just commented at SBP and while I had to log into my Google account and received the Your comment will be visible after approval. message, I didn't have to translate weird code-words.Ooohhmm. Sending out SPAM-blocking karma.Ooohhmm.