Details » Brotherhood Of Steel

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- Category: Gaming: Specific Game
- Description: Private forum of the Brotherhood Of Stel
- Members: 0
- Created On: Feb 26, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 6783
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 28, 2014
Well no longer is NY the Nanny state, it's now the Ninny state. Let's envryoee wrap ourselves in bubble wrap and stay in a closet, drive a nerf car and never hurt anyone's feelings or allow your feelings to be hurt, only wear soft clothes and talk only in a very, very low voice and one day you'll grow up to be a Man, I mean Woman, I mean Man I mean well anyway, you'll be some type of fat encapsulated carbon based life form.
2. | May 14, 2013
agGnIV jhxxdrbkwpcd
3. | May 13, 2013
NE PRAVILJNO DALI NASVANIE PEREDACHE NE SOBACHJE SERDSE A PRAVILJNEE NASVATJ SOBACHJA DUSHA . problema zdesj v tom cho grnzaia mejdu delovitostj i isvracheniem stiraetsa i perexodit v sadizm . dusha eto chto to emforicheskoe i pokidaet telo posle 3 dnejminus dlja peredachi , i minus dlja delovitosti devochek