Details » Balme It On Dale

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- Category: Online Communities
- Description: Blame It On Dale
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- Created On: Jan 15, 2007
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- Hits: 2960
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 27, 2014
Oh come on liberals, do you think maybe this is just grnsipag at straws? Guardian, proof that she is a girlfriend and not just a friend in need? Is this an equal issue to Katz? stop playing political gotcha. Does it really pass the BS test that a guy who lives in Mendham and has a pretty substantial personal wealth would have purchased a car, not registered it for some criminal reason and would drive around in this car without insurance, when he has other family cars that are surely insured? It is probably just a glitch in registration and a delay or misplaced insurance card. Come on, does this really seem like a real issue? Does this pass the Bravo Sierra (B.S.) test? or is this misinformation being put out ther for political reasons by the Corzine campaign? get real people, this is the desparate act of liberal press and politicians trying to find something that has no real basis . Come on Fred, this was below you to even report. This is what we would call biased reporting, and it is not admirable or professional.